
Are you from England?

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Are any of you here from England? Just curious.

If you are are you familiar with the actor Tom Sturridge?

Are you familiar with any vampire stories? If so then please tell them to me. I am writing a story on vampires.

Do you have an awesome English accent? Sorry but I love English accents.


Yay England!




  1. Yes i'm from England, but the north(Manchester) so i don't talk posh english:)

  2. Yes, I'm from England.

    Familiar with Tom Sturridge.

    Don't really like vampire stories.

    Have an English accent but I don't know what classifies as an 'awesome' English accent.

  3. Yes i'm from England - South England and now that i live in Canada everyone says I sound like the Queen. But i also get asked all the time where i am from in either Australia, New Zealand or South Africa. Some people cannot tell i'm English - it makes me laugh!. When i first moved here eveyone said they loved my accent but to me i had no accent - its weird!.  

    Don't know that many Vampire stories except the famous ones!.

  4. yupp!! i am from england but i dont have the 'awesome' english accent because im from by liverpool. the scouse accent isnt awesome

  5. yes i'm from England from Swindon Wiltshire yes i have a English accent

    i'm fascinated listening to different English accents and different American accents

  6. i am from England

    not familiar with Tom Sturridge and not a fan of Vampire Stories

    i have an English accent. I couldn't tell you if it was awesome. It's a rough common, Northern Working class Lancashire accent, which i don't think is very appealing, but my Girlfriend is American and she seems to love my accent, so i dunno i suppose it can't be too bad

  7. nope but i can make the accent!!!

  8. Yes. I'm from Oxford, England.

    Yes, Tom Sturridge is amazing!

    I don't like vampire stories, sorry. Only Twilight for me mate! :)

    Yes, I have an English accent.

    But American accents are fascinating to me :)

  9. Yes I am

    Have heard of him

    I'm a baby don't like scary stories.

    I have a london accent but don't know if it's awesome

    My cousins say it is and they're american it's funny cos we speak the same language but still don't know what the other is saying

  10. not me sorry but I love english accents too
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