
Are you from dublin and know a lot about the wesley disco(wezz) then please help me!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I wanna go to wezz with my friends but Im not very clued up so really I need to know everything there is to know.What kinda id do you need?How old do you have to be?What day is it on?Is there a baby wezz and an old wezz?It is in the rugby club in donnybrook right?Do you need to buy a ticket before hand or on the night?Do you have to be a member to get in?And really any other info you would care to throw in wud be much appreciated thanks=)




  1. First you need to be at least 18.  So bring a photo ID (preferably an inmate release card), gloves, helmet, and a roll of 45GG duct tape.  Wezzing is only permitted on Wednesdays and Sunday after mass!!!

    There is baby wezzing, teen wezzing, heavy weight wezzing, non-smoking wezzing, master wezzing, old-school wezzing and OAP wezzing!!!  Please no firearms or drug paraphernalia.  

    Have a good time and for heaven’s sake, please wezz safely!!!

  2. I know you sed ppl dat know alot about it, and i cant say i do cuz ive neva been, but most discos you buy the ticket on the night, so if ur going bring €, but then agen not 2 sure. And i think theres only 1 wezz, not a baby and an old 1. And if wez is a g.a.a. club then u probly hav to be a member, but wit most discos ppl just say there a member and theyr not 2 strict on it. Not sure. Sorry 4 not bein 2 clued in, i know how big a deal wez is in dublin!! :)

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