
Are you from the dark side? ?

by  |  earlier

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This may seem like a really retarded question to most people, but does anyone else out there think they might be part vampire? I know it seems retarded and g*y, but I'm serious. I think I might be. Here's the reasons.

I can't stand being in the sun for more then about an hour, I burn like crazy, I'm pretty sure I had fangs until i had my teeth pulled when i was 8, when I get paper cuts or something that involves bleeding, I'll "drink" my own blood and it doesn't really taste bad, I enjoy making my brothers bleed (they are older then me), i usually only wear dark colors like black and navy although I wear red too, and I've always loved biting people. until I took ty-kwan-do, that was my way of defence AND playing around.

NO I am NOT emo!!!!!! Search me. Not one intentional cut. and I'm part goth, but honestly, my dad is to over protective to let me be totally goth. So is there anyone else out there like me?

PS- DO NOT sugest therapy. I'm not a nut job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm serious!




  1. yea idk...

    you have the characteristics of a vampire but that dont mean that you necessarily are one!

    i do believe in vampires, ghosts, big foot, etc.

    but ths is over the top

  2. Do you think you are a vampire? lf you keep that mindset then you will try to compliment it, wearing dark colors and all are part of a psychological choice which is influenced largely by the image of yourself you created.

    Basically, if you don't move in the sun and just stand there temprature rises faster than if you are moving. While you stand, heat is retained in your body and as clothing is porous it insulates you preventing you from cooling. Moving creates an opposing force, a false wind. Cooling you despite the quicker accumalation of heat from your moving body, that is why most people who STAND in the sun not only you feel like they are burning.

    You might not be emo but you could be somewhat, to a small extent psychotic. Like me, the real thing you should ask yourself is; even if you found out you were half vampire or whichever you prefer HOW IS IT GOING TO AFFECT YOU?

    You might think you are special after you have found it out but to a human like me, it's no big deal. l could be amused by your way of living but l won't be giving you special privileges more than any other stranger, with that being said. How is it going to change the way you act, diet? Confrontation? Attitude, the holier than tho u trend? Are you going to broadcast this aspect of yourself to others, what do you hope to gain from that?

    l think there is a an equal chance of you being and being not, l won't be able to determine from the things you have written down. l don't distrust you, it is possible.

    As to your former goal of finding out if l am from the dark side [your version] or not, no. l am human, absolutely human. l wouldn't say mere human though, as humans are capable of alot more than you vampires are. For one, we aren't wussies who are afraid of the light and we ae stronger than you since we aren't anemic.

  3. I think that sometimes humans have ad reactions to the sun - every time I go outside and it's really sunny I sneeze until I can block my eyes. Every human has what is called canine teeth, sharp teeth that are designed to bite and tear teeth - mine are particularly large and pointed - but I don't think  that I could puncture skin with them unless I was really pissed. As for the blood thing there are a lot of people that do that. And maybe the biting thing is just  a fetish - I know sometimes it can be fun.

  4. When i was your age, I did the same stuff. I have come to realize that i have a biting fetish.

    I still don't like the sun, Had fang like teeth as a child, wear dark clothes, and l**k my own cuts. It isn't that you're a vampire or part vampire, it's just who you are. Everyone has quirks. These are yours. Other people can't stop getting tattooed or pierced.

    There is nothing wrong with being who you are. Others who make fun of you are really upset over their own inability to break away from conformity.

    Just be you and don't worry about it.

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