
Are you getting a good laugh out of the lame attempts to downplay the impact of Obama's speech?

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I think Pat Buchanan had the most non-partisan analysis of all so far, " of the greatest convention speeches of all time."




  1. I try to keep it on c-span

  2. I'm not a Hillary fan, I thought she sent our troops to war and then bailed on them and worked against them, so trust me, I don't even like the woman.  But, let's be honest, her speech was absolutely stellar.  Obama's was just another scripted Obama speech.

  3. Are you kidding me...unions? You actually just said that Obama is great because he backs the unions and in turn someone can feel good about not going to college.

    Yeah, why get an education when the union will negotiate an inflated wage, pension and benefits for a seocnd-rate (globally anyway) labor force that constantly whines "less effort for more money" while the very corporation that feeds their families struggles to survive in a GLOBAL market with thinning profit margins. Most of what unions were good for at one point in American history has already been done, now it's just "we want more."

    Ok, when he beefs up the unions, see how many more businesses will flee. They won't care about tax consequences, they'll just LEAVE the US entirely and pay taxes in a new host nation. They will be taking their jobs and contribution to GDP with them.

    I mean...duh!

  4. more Obama lies = impact? yea right

  5. hmmm nobama is just so FULL OF HIMSELF....

    What he is promising to do, wont happen....  Many people running for president  promise SHITE and when its all said and done NOTHING gets done..... Very few have actually fulfilled  their promises.... Its all hype to get your vote... NOBAMA is full of HOT AIR!!!

    Vote McCain as he keeps it REAL!!!!

  6. Sarah Palin for the Maverick Reform Party. No more lib dems or neocon partisans. Palin was McCain's brilliant move to trump Biden, the old beltway lobbyist loyal.

    This could be "checkmate," my friend. Palin is the perfect symbol of what John McCain stands for. This is obvious, undeniable change and a brilliant idea to send a message to the U.S. Congress and the earmark regulars.

  7. Are u getting a good laugh that you're actually considering someone like McCain who is going to take us through another four years of h**l? Are u getting a good laugh because you're actually not noticing that McCain is even lying in his campaign (it's what politics is all about, although I think Obama is very sincere.) He may not be able to do it all but he can try his hardest to do most of it. This mess isn't funny! This is serious! Too many of our soldiers have died and too many of Americans have struggled. My step-grandfather is a veteran and sick with a disease now and he's not even getting his checks to help with his medical bills and he had fought in the war back then. Will u be getting a good laugh when u watch more people die over useless stuff? Will u be getting a good laugh if one of those people turn out to be a group of people u knew? I don't think it's funny at all! I've watched my friends and family go to and from that war, my fiance is in the army and he has to go to war five months after we are married. That's not how we plan to spend our first couple of years as newly weds! NO I DON'T THINK IT'S FUNNY AND IT'S NOTHING TO LAUGH ABOUT! What's funny is actually conisdering McCain who wants to pick up where Bush left off; what's funny is watching gas go up to 5 to 6 dollars if u allow McCain in office. What's funny is having to watch other people suffer over a bullheaded man who doesn't believe for women's rights. What's funny is imagining what your kids have to go through if they put someone to control another 8 years of this BS! That's what's funny. I'm getting a good laugh out of that!

  8. Are the Brain Washed Obama supporters un aware that the speech was EXTREMELY lacking in substance and consisted of just sound bite material......Guess they are to awed by their new deity to see how phony he is

  9. Yes, it's hilarious. However, many Republicans are allergic to things that make sense. These things include logic, coherent thoughts and full sentences. Thus, when exposed to things that do make sense they cannot help but feel disoriented and as a result they result to childish antics such are calling Obama names and so on. The only cure is a good, solid education.

    This is why they are often drawn to the unintelligible rants of President Bush and John McCain.

  10. Sorry, still couldn't get pass the out right lies that were in it to even begin to see what people's analysis of it would be.

  11. Indeed...

    He told us of his experience (life and political), his plans for our country (and how to enact them), as well as pointed out the flaws in GWB v. 2.0 (i.e. McCain).

    Repubs have nothing to grasp onto now except desperation.

    And while I never would have thought I would agree with Buchanan, on this matter I do 100%.  Carl Bernstein also said he thought it the best nomination speech since Kennedy's.

  12. I wonder ... since Obama pledged to take public campaign financing, and railed against the evils of not doing so ... then when it was good for him he bailed on it ...

    How many people will be stupid enough to trust him on that promised middle class tax cut? LOL!

    I mean especially since Bill Clinton got a lot of traction out of the same play, then said opps! can't afford it, then delivered the largest tax increase in our history.

    This even though anyone who's paid any attention knows that a tax cut brings in more tax revenue? JFK knew that, and it worked and brought in much more revenue, and every other tax cut has been the same. Why would democrats raise taxes when history clearly has proven that tax cuts bring more revenue? And tax hikes bring in less? Could be a control issue huh?

    Anyway, Obama is only as good as his lies are taken as truth, so in short he's only as good as those he can fool into supporting him, with his lies. What does that make his supporters? I'm not going to be one of those.

  13. Get out of America, you betrayer. We had the greatest nation ever conceived, and you're laughing while voting for this scumbag who will destroy it?

    I think that Casey Anthony (also in the news) is more sane than most of you Obamaites.

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