
Are you getting a tad fed up with seperation of household waste ?

by  |  earlier

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I am all for re-cycling, and do my bit by taking glass to a bottle bank, old clothes to a charity, mown grass & plant trimmings in green bags, kitchen waste onto the compost heap, tins & plastic in the green bin etc. etc.


Freinds of mine just across the County border in Hertfordshire are given four different coloured crates, to seperate, say, newspapers from plastic wrapping.

This is done diligently, but on collection, it all gets tipped into the back of the same truck, and compacted together !

What is not happening here ?





  1. I have three large wheelie bins if they give me any more bins I will be charging the council fees for the amount of space they take up.  I agree with the separation of waste but its going a bit far.

  2. i don't really care one way or the other, your planet is doomed now and there is nothing you can do about it. serves you humans right.

  3. napoli is good

  4. it's very strange if the waste is being mixed back together during collection. The idea of providing separate bins it to segregate waste products and make it easier for similar wastes to be treated or disposed of appropriately. Waste segregation is an important part of effective waste management. I do find it odd if the wastes are being recombined. Maybe the collectors are not doing their job correctly. Trying speaking to you local council to inquire about their practices. If your going to the effort of separating your waste, then they should be treating it appropriately.

  5. Every area is different.  In my town we separate things and different trucks come around for the separated items.

    stuff that is not to be recycled has to be in a special plastic bag(biodegradable) that you purchase from the city.  Large items such as furniture has to have a sticker also bought from the city.  \

         If you see everything going into the same truck, tell city hall what you see.  Go to a town meeting and address this issue there.  Talk to your ward counsellor or city counsellor about it.

  6. move to napoli.. then you can just lob it in the streer

  7. Totally agree Im really fed up with all the fuss I have to go through to do it while Countries like China dont think anything of dishing out toxants into our atmosphere...And now they are thinking of charging for picking up our green waste bin.

  8. we just have to live with it

  9. Where I am we have separate recycling bins.  On recycling day just one truck comes to collect the stuff.  From a distance it looks like  all of the stuff is just randomly put in the truck, but when you are closer to the truck you see that it has dividers, or walls  in it and the stuff is actually not put all together.

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