
Are you getting sucked in to the racial abbracadabbra in this day and age?

by  |  earlier

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Let me tell you, my ancestors built slave escape routes in W. Va. Seperated Va. from W. Va to die for freedom and fight against slavery. I left W. Va. entering 5th grade in Berkely in inner city schools and was beaten up daily for the next five years for being white. Once I saw a white girl's hair lit on fire and a group of blacks said they would beat her to death if she tried to put it out. Given power they abused it full time just like the whites. It's not about skin color. It's about accepting invitations to hate and indulge in sadism. And that transends race. It's about charcter and potential. And it is a potential in all of us.




  1. Pao's right.  Don't get mad.  GET EVEN!  People who commit ignorant atrocities should pay!

  2. don't get mad at people who do that to you. instead, tell them why there must be racial equality among you and us. we are now in the years were peace reigns everywhere. tell them instead to make problems, do good and promote peace.

    always promote peace to others

    Peace be with you

    (by the way, you should have asked this question in other categories)

  3. obviously America loves racists, why else are they choosing to ignore obamas out right racism.

    i have never been against any race, i think the media has a lot to do with encouraging its growth.

    think about this.

    there is no Caucasian day.

    no native American day.

    no Hispanic day

    or any other except African American.

    yet no one See's this as prejudice

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