
Are you giving up on Air America?

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I have been a fan of Air America but now that Randi Rhoads is gone I am giving up on them.




  1. Air America is a Leftist Liberal $hithole.  No wonder they're history.

  2. <<Randi Rhodes moves on to Nova M - and says "thanks to Clear Channel and all the affiliates"

    The ex-Air America host tells CNN's Larry King last night that the now-controversial March 22 video was "absolutely 100% pure standup [comedy], me on a stage with a microphone." She says she signed 500 autographs that night and got no complaints. Rhodes thanks "Green 960" KKGN in San Francisco, announces she's just signed with new syndicator Nova M, and says "thank you to Clear Channel and all the affiliates who rallied around me." As for why she left Air America following her suspension: the network wanted her to change her contract, and they couldn't come to an agreement. She starts on Nova M next week - still in the 3-6pm timeslot. The Wall Street Journal's reporting that comedian Richard Belzer will be the first Air America guest host in her old shift. Rhodes was part of the original Air America lineup that debuted March 31, 2004.>>

    -a guy named duh

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