
Are you going green? i am.?

by Guest66699  |  earlier

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Are you going green? i am.?




  1. I am. Having a hybrid car. Turning the air conditioning off during the summer-winter. Yeah. Definitely! I love being green! WHOO!

  2. what is your definition of going green?

  3. If your 'going green' you don't need to have it defined for you...I am taking steps myself to do as much green change as I can.  We recycle (plastic 1 &2, aluminum, and soon glass), we buy earth friendly detergents, we buy recycled paper and recycle our own, we use CFLs in almost ever socket.  We're working on it and looking for new things every day.

  4. I am in.

  5. I have been trying, for awhile. I still drive my car too much, as work distance necessitates the driving.

    I line dry sheets and towels, and really only dry underwear in the dryer(I am too embarrassed to hang it out in our neighborhood!)

    I use canvas totebags I have had for years...

    Rinse and reuse plastic snack baggies.

    Of course I turn off the water while brushing my teeth. Also have started 'letting it mellow if it's yellow', ahem.I am saving up for a low water use toilet since ours is 25 years old by now.

    I buy the larger bottles of things so there is less packaging I am wasting and recycle what I can (our community recycles)...and those are just a few ways I have been thinking of. Most recent change is not using the dryer much.

  6. everyone should "go green" at the pace they are comfortable and maintain their own sense of living aesthetic.  not everyone appreciated Jimmy Carter telling them to put on a sweater and turning down the heat to save energy.  we each in our ways choose the low hanging fruit first.  reach for the easy ways to make "going green" productive and good and then we can learn to do more.  i consider myself living a green, sustainable lifestyle and i go more green each day as i learn more and can appreciate more ways to save, design and nurture.

  7. What do u mean by green?? if u mean lucky.. i am getting lucky !! :} LOL LOL LOL

  8. I prefer to keep my ordinary skin colour. What shade of green are you going?

  9. Anyone who isn't should really figure out how to tread water. I joined a site today

    they seem pretty into it.... good luck

  10. I am "green" already.  Good for you!

  11. Depends on what kind of green I am growing fungus between my toes LOL(that was  a joke), but other wise nope I am not I will not participate in something that is a fad I am my own person!

  12. Conserving the resources that one has stewardship over in order to extract from those resources the greatest benefit at the lowest cost is my definition of economy.

    The following is a list of people how effectively carried out in spirit what I stated above in words:

    Henry Ford

    Jim (J.C.) Penny

    Andrew Carnegie

    John D. Rockefeller

    Add to this list thousands of other, whom being good stewards of the things that they had, dug out of the ground material matter, that without the addition of human ingenuity is too often mistakenly, called a "natural resource". Made steal by combining these resource and purging out of them there undesirable components. Built, trains, plains, and automobiles and laid the roads, tracks, and airfields needed to operate them. Devise scamatics and schedules by which food which otherwise would have rotted on the farm (This would no doubt had been good for the soil, but bad for the farmer.) and transported it to market for consumption by those that could use it. These people brought American a better living (martially at least) to such a degree that in America poor people are fat, own and drive cars, we live in bigger and bigger house and live richer lives then any generation before us. These have all been ridiculed by the environmentalist movement whom having its stated goal: "The protection of the environment" has failed at this task if so it be that which is told us is true.

    Now consider the, Upton Saint Clears, the Karl Marx’s, the environmentalists-"which are at least 95% of the reason that we have high gas prices right now. Ask yourselves what is the fruit of their endeavors and what good have they brought us????????

    Socialism (Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (n***s) Hitler) and Communism (Lenin,Stalin,Trotski,Moa,PoPot, "Chee", the list is endless.....

    Have brought about political regimes which have murdered over 100 Million people in order to confiscate(steal) there goods "For the people" who staved or sat in a bread line for 3 hours.

    And environmentalists if there policies are given the go ahead will destroy the transportation network that feeds the nation and much of the world.

    The Soviet Union had some of the most "Progressive Environmental Laws" on the planet, that  didn't stop them from polluting their empire to such a degree that the national life span dropped, shrinking the Aral Sea to about 1/3 of its original size or the like.

    Promote individual ownership, and be good stewards of the things that you have and the net effect will be good stewardship.

  13. I've been environmentally conscious for many years and am happy that more people are going in the same direction.

    Every little thing that people do to contribute to the well-being of mother earth and all of her inhabitants, is a good thing.

  14. how??

    plant trees?

    i want to but i cant!

  15. I have always been "green". Good for you!

  16. i am

    i moved to a smaller house, bought a fuel efficient car, take shortter showers and limit my tv ad computer use. :P

  17. is that you Hulk ?

  18. I'm trying as much as my circumstances allow for.

    All my light bulbs are now energy saving ones; I try to turn my heating down and only use it when it's really needed and wash clothes at a lower temperature. I don't use plastic bags in supermarkets and take my own with me. I only use the car if I really need to.

    I recycle everything that can be recycled in my area - ie paper, glass and plastic. I try not to use zinc chloride batteries if I must use batteries at all for anything. I use the freecycle network to try and keep things like furniture etc out of landfill.

    These are things anyone can do, and it's no great hardship. Okay it may be only a tiny change in the overall picture, but if everyone did it, it would soon mount up.

  19. Drive a green car and see what that gets you! UNLUCKY!

  20. no

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