
Are you going to be the last person to answer this question?

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Are you going to be the last person to answer this question?




  1. what claudia said :P

  2. Maybe...

    If I am I can edit and say YES... TOLD YOU SO!

    Or I might, if I had no pride LOL

    Edit: Doh! Matt, you got me!

  3. for now I am the last person

  4. nope you are because you asked it and you are the last one to read it and you answer your question by reading these to find the best answer, yet no one really knows. years from now this question will be read and answered then, so no one really knows depends on how long computers and generation is around. so dont ask me, i dont know yet if you are around 100 years from now this question still will be here, even though time will be up, people will still be reading and answering it in there own mind since it will be done and over. but if you ment done and over and not years down the road then who knows  some one from this site will be the last one to answer it.

  5. Nope.

  6. At the moment, yes, in a second, prolly not, in day, who knows, five minutes ago, I wasn't even here.

  7. God, I hope so.

  8. Depends on the instant, depends on the question. You're not the first one or last one who asked it, am not the first one or last one who'll answer it, we're just probably repeating something someone else said. However in this moment, this instant am the last one who answered it, but below me someone will answer it as well, just like the guy above me, he was last to answer your question at the moment, not the question because many can be answering it right now as i type, =p

  9. I don't know .  Am I ?

  10. you bet..

  11. Probably not

  12. Maybee! Mayybee noottt!!

    tee hee.

    I hope so :)

    but now that i say that i wont be so oh well

  13. I don't know am I??????

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