
Are you going to collaborate tomorrow? 5 minutes without electricity around the world...?

by  |  earlier

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5 minutes without any type of electricity running in your house. are you in?




  1. I'll be teaching school - I will turn off the lights and not use any kind of electricity for 5 minutes!  I will also e-mail this to all my friends and put up some flyers early tomorrow!

    Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. the ideas good .

  3. Nobody will be home at that time in my house, but there will be some power on. The refrigerator will be plugged in and it will run if the thermostat tells it to, but it uses some power to have the thermostat standing by to turn it on. The sprinkler timer will be running although the sprinklers are not scheduled to water at that time. The clocks on the microwave and the regular oven will be running. The receivers in the TVs and DVD player and VCR will be on and listening for signals from the remote, and the internal clocks in those devices will be running. The instant on circuit will be keeping the picture tubes warmed up in the TVs. The thermostat will be on, although set to a lower temperature to save power in the empty house, but even if it never decides to turn on the heat it will be using some power. The garage door opener will be plugged in and the safety beam will be on at the base of the door, as well as the receiver which will be listening for the signal from the remote to open the door. The cable modem and router will be on in the house. I really should turn off the router but Road Runner says not to turn off the modem. The alarm system will be on. The telephone answering machine will be on and the cordless phones will be siting in their chargers which are plugged in and unsing some power to keep the batteries full. I will be at work using all kinds of electricity doing my job. My kids will be at school and not in control of the power there. My wife will be working too.

    So no, I will not participate.

  4. My family and I involuntarily participated back in December in the middle of a huge ice-storm...we were w/out power for over a week...

  5. Why? Its not gonna solve anything,but if it makes you feel better about yourself...knock yourself out.

    I wouldnt recommend this to people in cold areas using electricity for any heating.

  6. Heck, I do that many times a year, but for longer, we call them power outages!

  7. If that's all it takes to save the planet, I'm in.

  8. sounds really cool but i haven't heard anything about this, can you provide me with some more information?


    did you just make this up?

  9. Do you have any idea how juvenile and stupid you sound? You and your type are driving people away from doing even the most basic things to help conserve.

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