
Are you going to join Al Gore's 'green army' cult to force people to accept the global warming religion?

by Guest63474  |  earlier

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"Al Gore yesterday launched a drive to mobilise 10 million volunteers to FORCE politicians to act on climate change - twice as many as the number who marched against the Vietnam war or in support of civil rights during the heyday of US activism in the 1960s"




  1. I agree with the first answer.

    And I wonder why you don't realize, that it is you who are in a cult of belief,  in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence.  

    What if anything has that to do with anti war protests or civil rights. Nothing.  Oh, are you just red baiting?  Figures.  Al Gore is just a spokesman for the tens of thousands of scientists who are concerned about the future.  Al Gore is just smarter and more aware than you, so he chose to devote his time to doing something meaningful for the world.  And you?

  2. "The Earth has a skin.  That skin has diseases.  One of them is man"


    Whatever the Earth did before we were on it, it will continue to evolve without us.  It made us and it will devour us. It is amazing to see how many people think of humanity as such a necessity on earth.

    There is nothing wrong with fixing the ills on our planet that we cause but we should first be able to recognize that when we die...when humans die...there will still be the earth.  No idea of God or self rightous intentions will ever change that.

    There will always be those who march to a tune they will never understand.  People still sell their children for food in some places but we are concerned about humanity thousands of years from now?!

    From the moment men came down from the trees we have been a corrupting and destructive force.  Perhaps it is only fate that we perish from our own "nobility" as a species.

    So let them have their causes and let them march...

  3. News flash, GW invented AL Gore.

  4. live in the dark ages much???  keep talking s*****k, you'll be screaming freedom in a few years.  and crying, oh great scientists please help me, i cant breath there is no drinking water or water to grow foods, all the trees have been cut down, so there is nowhere to go to get out of the heat when all the power goes out.  You are part of the problem, get off my planet.

  5. Global warming religion? That can't be right because religion is always the side that takes faith based positions against mountains of scientific evidence. So the global warming deniers would the religionists in this case. Are you living in an alternative universe?

  6. No.  I'm a Conservative who has worked I'm applied science for 40 years.  I don't need Al Gore or Lord Monckton to guide my thinking.

  7. Does the red nose signify you are a clown?  Then how do you expect anyone to take your questions seriously?

  8. his "10 million" volunteers would probably fit in his swimming pool

    kind of like the legendary "million mom march" where less than 200,000 people showed up in photographs.(I guess the other 800,000 were there in spirit. spirits don't show up in photograph's)

    I don't doubt that there are10 million morons who will say anything he tells them to for a few bucks but their not going to get off their behinds & actually do anything, like march. that would take them away from their computer keyboards.

  9. HA HA he's pathetic, who did he steal that Idea from? he probably still thinks that he invented the Internet That bone head!

  10. I think this argument misses the point. Whether or not the earth is warming up or cooling off, we still need to keep chemical garbage out of our water, air, and soil. If the global "warming" laws help to accomplish this, then I'm all for it.

  11. yes.. there is evidence all over the world that global warming is happening you cant hide from it

  12. Do I believe what the majority of Science is telling us, that Anthropongenic Global Warming is a reality we must deal with now?


    I am confused what you meant by "global warming religion" and "green army cult".   If people want to help curb Global Warming, let them, it doesn't have anything to do with Gods or Idols or any kind of religion.  If anything, going against everyone so tenaciously to call people names for trying to be more conservative and caring about the world and environment is truly what is "cult-like" and quite sinister really.

    Folks like you are obviously not doing anything to help make this world a better place, not just for us, and for the other species that inhabit it, but for the billions of people of the future who someday will want to enjoy our beautiful green and blue planet as much as we do today.

    It's not a religion, it's about responsibility to humanity and concern for 'our home'.  You only would understand this if you realized that we do have an impact on the planet and will continue to have an increasing impact on the planet as time goes on.  You don't even have to major in Science to understand that, you just have to stop being naive, wake up, and get your head out of the sand.

    And PS... try reading real scientific journals once in awhile, that should help quite a lot.

    PPS - I don't know anything about this 'green army', but I would proudly march with Al Gore because in a nutshell, I simply agree with him, that no issue in our lifetime is more profound or important than curbing Global Warming.

  13. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa . and i bet he took his jet to get to point a. to point b.  look at all the pollution he just sent into the air ,point proven  hes a politician , and is in it for the money

  14. h**l no, not even if he paid me.. Wait a second, if he paid me lots of money, sure!

  15. aaronesque, great response!

    That's a good point you make.

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