
Are you going to support Ovechkin's cause by purchasing a shirt from his clothing line?

by Guest56480  |  earlier

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Are you going to support Ovechkin's cause by purchasing a shirt from his clothing line?




  1. where do you buy it? i really want it

  2. WHAT? No!

  3. I actually got the e-mail from CCM about that today. Ovie's Street wear. A few the items look pretty cool. A few are lame. I can't say I will buy them but will not rule it out if I had the extra money

  4. I'll take 2 in XXL then but it does look a little silly for me-

  5. Im gonna buy from Avery's line first...


  6. only if it's availible pre-staind....why buy a good shirt that i will only ruin

  7. I'll buy one of Ovie's shirts if you buy one of Sid's. ;)

  8. Cause? don't you mean support Ovechkin's pocketbook?

  9. Well, I can afford Ovechkin's street shirt from CCM website. But I want to buy this shirt in my local sports store, not on the website. He is my idol player in Washington DC area.

  10. I doubt a mid-30's Toronto suburbanite represent his I'll have to pass.  Maybe if I was 10-15 years younger I'd consider it.

  11. Absolutely not because Gary Roberts wouldn't do that.

  12. whats his cause?

    and no because I don't like the design

  13. Actually.....I think I will buy one. I am a Pittsburgh fan more than I'm a Washington fan, but Ovie is my favorite player in the league.

  14. OV should get out of the clothing line and get into producing paper bags. He could sell out, just to Leafs fans....not to mention putting one over his own the guy needs to get on to one of the "reality make-over" shows!!

  15. I would support his dentist if he could pretty up that grill of his.  That is one ****** up mouth.

  16. I have enough t-shirts as it is but yeah, all that money and he is awfully close to a Bobby Clarke smile?

  17. I'll stick with the cheap clothing maid by the children sold at Wal-Mart.  My real money will go to filling my gas tank for my multiple summer vacations.

  18. ummm no

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