
Are you going to the virgin islands?

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Are you going to the virgin islands?




  1. omg yeah. im going on a cruise on for spring break. first we go to st. thomas, then to grand turk, and we also go to san juan puerto rico. IM SO EXITED.

  2. i would love to go back its the beautiful place in the world

  3. I'm already here.  Lived here all my life. :D

    yankee_sailor still got me beat though, LOL!

  4. Yes, in fact I just returned from St. Croix about a month ago. I obviously didn't get my fill of it, 8 days, because I am currently planning to return next week. I fell in love with the beauty and carefree lifestyle there. I have been to St. John in the past but it didn't even begin to compare to the laidback attitude that is everywhere in St. Croix!

  5. I've lived on St Thomas the last 35 years.....

  6. NEVER go there!

    Chances are you will end up like Natlie Holloway.

    Please read the following excerpt from the daily news from Jaunary 16th, 2008:

    Homicides and shootings

          Last year, of the 46 homicides in the Virgin Islands, 27 were on St.  Thomas, 16 were on St. Croix and three were on St. John. One of those homicides was the result of a police shooting on St. John that was ruled justifiable.

          In 2006, there were 44 total homicides - 23 on St. Thomas and 21 on St. Croix - of which four were ruled justifiable, according to Daily News homicide statistics.

          The 2007 total means the territory remains one of the most violent places under the American flag.

          The Virgin Islands homicide rate per capita is 42 homicides for every 100,000 residents. The national rate is 5.5 slayings per 100,000 residents.

  7. I am going back to the Virgin islands in June.  we leave June 21st and go to St John, Tortola and Virgin Gorda.  We come home on July 16th.  Thats 25 days of pure BLISS!  This is the only thing that has kept me going thru this l-o-n-g Chicago winter.  I cant wait!!!!!!!

  8. If you like to snorkel or dive, St. Thomas and St. John have the most beautiful spots to go. I have seen the most beautiful and friendliest fish anywhere there. I have been there several times and would recommend it to anyone. Have a great time.

  9. Been there.  I went to St. Thomas in December.  St. Croix two years ago.

  10. yaeh be nice dare////i wents snorlin it was bomb.  i saw a whale it was bigs as my go back but it be not coooll,,,,,so i not like

  11. Yes,in May I will be on St John for 8 days and St Thomas for 3 days.

    The USVI are beautiful. I can't wait)

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