
Are you going to vote for Osama Bin Biden?

by  |  earlier

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Obama 2008!




  1. No.  No one by that name is running for office in the US.

  2. You are ridiculous, but I guess I should see these questions as positive. I guess I would bicker and make irrational claims if I had such a terrible candidate like yours (McCain). He has so many faults that you have to at least try to confuse the idiots who believe such things.  

  3. Snnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooorrrrrrreeeeeeeee...

  4. I would sooner eat a steaming plate of dog c**p.

  5. im confused ure saying obama 2008, change we can believe in, but ure saying osama bin biden??

  6. Its the Obama Biden Laden ticket.

  7. No thank you. I would like to keep at least some of the meager retirement money I get each month. I can't afford those guys.

  8. I'll be voting Democrat if that's what you mean.

  9. No, I'm voting for BOB BARR.

  10. I have more brains then that

  11. Nobody on the ticket by that name.

    Is this the best you guys can do?

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