
Are you going to vote for a MUSLIM CANDIDATE?

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Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (black muslim) of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas. (white atheist ).

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya. His mother married Lolo Soetoro -- a Muslim -- moving to Jakarta with Obama when he was six years old. Within six months he had learned to speak the Indonesian language. Obama spent "two years in a Muslim school, then two more in a Catholic school" in Jakarta. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim, mitigating that damning information by saying that, for two years, he also attended a Catholic school.

Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a radical Muslim who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta, Indonesia. He met Obama's mother, Ann Dunham-a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas-at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Years after, Dunham married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro who educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!




  1. Wow. Either you are one of the funnier people I've seen ehre recently, or oneof the scariest. If the former, good job. If the latter, your tinfoil hat is loose.

  2. No.  I will be voting for Obama/Biden '08.  Thank you very much.

  3. There's medications available for your unfounded paranoia. Seek help, k?

  4. Nope I will vote for real American Patriot John McCain in 08

  5. Kids are normally considered to be of the faith of the mother.  Check the bible source.....

  6. Just who reminds you to breathe in the morning when you wake up?

    The only thing you forgot in this rant was the youtube link...............

  7. crack is wack! just say no to drugs.

  8. No, I will be voting for Obama.

  9. old, so untrue.  And did you know we have a Muslim in Congress?  Not all are bad...wouldn't that be like McVey?  So everyone like him is bad?

  10. There is no Muslim candidate. Care to PROVE he's a Muslim?

  11. Kohlrabi (German Turnip) (Brassica oleracea Gongylodes Group) is a low, stout cultivar of the cabbage that will grow almost anywhere. It has been selected for its swollen, nearly spherical, Sputnik-like shape. The name comes from the German Kohl ("cabbage") plus Rübe ~ Rabi (Swiss German variant) ("turnip"), because the swollen stem resembles the latter. Kohlrabi has been created by artificial selection for lateral meristem growth...

    (I figured your question deserved an answer as sane as your rant...)

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