
Are you going to watch the RepubliCain Convention ?

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Does that mean you will you be stocking up on more Beer and Mole Jerky !




  1. HA HA Troll

    Yes,I will be watching the convention and I will also be seeing McCain speak this Sunday in Missouri.

  2. I try to be fair minded but I have to say that the GOP really sicken me...I cant stand their lying, grinning condescending smiles and holier than thou attitudes.

    I hope Obama clean their stupid clocks!

  3. Yes of course. I just hope that they make it small and tasteful...and indoors (not Hitler-like)...and uninspiring (that should be easy)...and no wasteful fireworks.

    I think McCain ought to have one of those town hall, cozy fireside chat type conventions. Did you know that he is a former POW?

  4. RepubliCain haha funny I wonder who owns that???

  5. you betcha! and canned possum! lolol. Now isn't it past your bedtime? Take your meds and go night night. Sweet dreams.

  6. We are in trouble if mccain gets elected...its seems like the stupid hicks from the south s***w up the vote. I swear they vote based on the simplicity of the canidate's name.


    A candiate is a person running or an organization or position for our friends in the south.  

  7. Yes I have to know why people would want to give up their lives for them and not be considered extremist, or rich

  8. umm how about no beet or mole jerky...& just watch this my fellow Republicans.

  9. Yes I always watch both of them.  

  10. Some of it... but no, that would be Iced tea and potato chips.  I'm not a redneck.. but I AM a Republican ... and PROUD OF IT!

    Have a right-wing day.

  11. Sure because I ran out of watermelons and KFC during the DNC. What a stupid question.

  12. I'll try to but I might fall asleep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. yes

  14. id rather watch the repub than the dems!!

  15. Ummm, to answer your question, no. But the little cut against republicans, I must say, is quite immature. Could I say that people watching the democrat convention should stock up on foil hats and government money?

  16. No, I'd rather stock up water, food, and a flash light in case he's elected. McCain's convention will be as boring as watching a loaf of bread sitting on a kitchen table.  

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