
Are you going to watch the televised production of the musical RENT?

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Of course I am! I <3 Rent!

But...when is it on, and on what network? Thanks!




  1. Please tell me this is going to be screened in Britain? I love Rent so much! Have been in a concert version of it too!

  2. you guys just made my day! i just saw rent on broadway like two weeks ago and it was so amazing! i&#039;ve seen a touring show twice before but those sucked compared to this! i didn&#039;t know they were gonna do that! i love you guys!

  3. YES.

    According to an article on the website, they filmed a performance on August 20 and are also filming the final one, and they&#039;re going to combine them together or something? and it&#039;ll be broadcasted to movie theatres September 24-28.

    I am not happy that I have to wait for almost 20 days before getting to see it, as that&#039;ll be 20 days in mourning before I actually get to see the end of the amazing 12 years that was Rent.

    But still, this&#039;ll be footage of the actual play, not the crappy movie, so we can educate future generations on what great musical theatre happened before they were born. =P

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