
Are you good at flirting?

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I think if I put some effort into it, I could but I'm just a tad bit too shy to actually go with it. I'm not sure. How about you?




  1. I'm actually really good at if only I had someone to flirt with :(

  2. I can't help flirting; I do it all the time in normal conversation with EVERYONE.  Old, young, man, woman.  It doesn't mean I'm interested in you, but I just like to enjoy my conversations.  BEcause of my flirty nature, many people don't take my actual advances seriously.  So I'm good and bad at the same time.

  3. I'm not very good at it. I'm shy too, and don't really want to flirt with someone I actually like and get hurt because I also can't tell when someone is flirting with me which makes it even more difficult!

  4. I think i'm a good flirt

    but nobody to flirt with =[

  5. Yeah, I'm good at flirting.

    But sometimes certain guys just scare me, not in a bad way, but we could be flirting and then we start talking and all of my senses go blank. I just go deaf, dumb and blond in an instant and get really shy.

    Thankfully that only happens on the rarest of occasions, but when it does I become a MESS!

  6. I totally stink at it.  

  7. yes. very good. ask anyone (bats eyes).

  8. im good at flirting. when i was straight i used to flirt with girls. now i am g*y and have no one to flirt with DX.  

  9. Trust me: when youre REALLY ATTRACTED to someone FLIRTING becomes a COMPULSIVE INSTINCT- seriously, whether you choose to or not, it just happens. Its like a magnet thing.

    I've had times when Ive told myself to reamin cool and disinterested...ended up saying the corniest things! Walking away thinking "you idiot." It happens, but its all good--

    everyone admires the bold, no one praises the timid.  

  10. It's working for me... he he

  11. if i've got a little liquid courage in me i am

  12. I am pretty good at it, I am really outgoing which helps a lot.

  13. A wink here, a shy come hither look there, shift of the hips, pout the lips, yeah I think I can pull it off pretty well.  

  14. I'm quite bad. I end up embarrassing myself when I try to flirt on purpose. Other times, I just happen to flirt without realizing it. It's usually with straight girls so they don't notice it too much. thank god.

  15. I'm quite good:))

  16. If I am going to be the only judge I will have to say,


  17. Indeed. I can be quite the charmer.

    I'm a gentleman when I need/want to be.

  18. I personally think i suck at it. I don't know what others think. I just get embarassed to easily to be a good flirt.

  19. I could teach the class in flirting;)

    And havent gotten any complaints so far!

    Life is to short to be shy, take a chance;)

  20. I am scarily bad at flirting! May have to practise a bit more. .. :-)

  21. oh yeah.

  22. If I see a girl I really like I just flirt without even thinking about it. Sometimes I do get shy, but if I knew a girl I liked was bi/L*****n, I'd run up and hug her and take it from there.

  23. Not at all. I'm way too shy, and I always wear my heart on my sleeve.

  24. I'm a natural flirt actually.

    I flirt and I don't even know.

    It's kinda scary lmao.

  25. Hmm, yes.  However, I bet you're cute when you shy away like that.

  26. I'm terribly shy when it comes to that business with unknown people.

  27. Well helloooooo handsome.  There's a party in my pants.  Wanna come?

    (does that answer your question?)

  28. Kind of If I'm comfortable with the person but if it's someone I don't know that well then no.

  29. i'm the smooth talking mac of flirting. can get any girl i want by far.

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