
Are you good at identifying bandwagon fans?

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I think I'm pretty good at it. As a Red Sox and Patriots fan, I've gotten a lot of opportunities to identify bandwagon fans. lol.

So...are YOU any good at it?




  1. not too much for padres fans cuz we welcome as many as we can, BUT chargers fans have increase dramatically in the past couple years and i can tell each and every bandwagoner around....

  2. I still don't get it. A bandwagon baseball fan is so much better than no fan. Why the snobbery? If 50,000 people show up for the game, does it matter to you if some are bandwagon fans? Isn't that better than if only 17,000 show up? A bandwagon baseball fan just might become a die hard fan. Sometimes it really is the first year the person really became interested. So he picks someone who is winning? So what? He should pick someone who is awful? And what if he becomes a die hard fan as a result. You know, lots of kids pick the very popular players and teams, too. Are they bandwagon fans? Hardly. I just don't get this fixation people have against the bandwagon fan. He's interested. He's learning. If he were a bandwagon football fan he wouldn't even show up for the baseball game. I'm flummoxed. I really am.

  3. im good at it. you can tell im not a bandwagoner cuz im a huge yankee fan and their really sucking right now. its easy for me to tell though cuz i live in south florida and no1 likes the marlins so last year all of a sudden every1 is a red sox fan and what do you know, this year their all gone. real fans know about the history of the team. real yankee fans like me hate jeff weaver and all the other players that sucked while the bandwagoners don't even know that he used to be on the team. Bandwagoners know their roster now while real fans know the entire roster from back in the day.  

  4. I don't know, I haven't come across to many in my day so I haven't had the chance to test out my skills, but sometimes it is just too obvious. But I have noticed a lot of Dodger fans coming out of the wood work since the Manny trade, but I cant really tell if they are bandwagon or not. I guess time will tell.

  5. As a Rangers, Orioles, and Redskins fan, I really don't get a chance to identify too many bandwagoners. =D

    And I don't particularly like when girls wear pink jerseys of their team... If you're gonna wear the jersey, wear the team colors, not some pink c**p.

    I tend to suspect girls of being bandwagoners more than guys... which is totally stereotypical, but this is why:

    There was this one time I got into a conversation with a girl sitting next to me at a Rangers game this year..  Josh Hamilton had just hit a home run and she was like "GO RANGERS!"

    So I turned to her and said something like, "He's been phenomenal this year..."

    And she said something like, "Yeah, he's played great for us the last couple of years."


    Hello... We just acquired him in the offseason???

    I just sort of ignored her "Great hit"s and "Go Kinsler"s after that.  She'd probably try to tell me that Kinsler's having a Rookie of the Year caliber season.


  6. Yup its easy, I'm good at many thing and just ask them simple questions and if they cant answer that then you know they ere BF

  7. Well, the other day I was in Washington and I saw someone with an O's hat. It was in my nature to talk to him because it seems like no one likes this team anywhere other than Baltimore (why would they). He says he's a DIE HARD fan. So I ask him, "Who do you like: Markakis, Huff, Jones?" He says no he likes Ripken the most..........

    And about the Pink Rodriguez jersey, some people wear baseball clothes for fashion. Why do you think Pittsburgh has the highest baseball cap sale? Because it's fashionable...

  8. yeah i hate them

  9. well, i don't want to judge them at first glance.. i mean what if i think they are bandwagoners and they're not.. i would feel guilty inside and i'm nice to those who are new to the game i mean come on they just got into it :)

    i live in california.. so.. well when i see boston/yankee fans coming out of no where i do judge more quicker than i should and i admit it i'm a bit more skeptical on fellow girls... i dunno i guess i had a fair share of meetings with female bandwagoners.

    p.s. i don't think its right when you just jump on to another team when your team is not doing well. i just don't like the idea at all :(

    edit: O's fan.. haha lol funny story! oh just to add, i like Brian Roberts!! y'all have a nice offense as well~

  10. Well...I went to a concert once and their were people with  Boston, Yanks, Cards, Angels clothes. Also been suspicious of the Ranger fans coming on here...though there prolly not bandwagoners..just coming out of hiding.

  11. I'd say I'm good at it, especially when I'm at the ballpark. It's funny to hear the BS people will say. I was at a Giants game and Jonathan Sanchez was pitching. He hits 92 mph tops. This guy next to me said "He's packing heat!" I tried not to laugh at him. Haha.  

  12. Well, as for the new jerseys and hats, that is just wrong because that implies that no true fan can ever purchase memorabilia after their initial purchase. However, bandwagon fans are rather easy to spot. They may know the lineup of their team, but a real fan knows what is going on elsewhere in baseball. For instance, a bandwagon sox fan may know the names of every player on the team, but if you ask about the sox a few years prior to their 04 victory, or if you ask them something about the national league, they can not answer.

  13. Yeah

    "Who is Willie Mays?"


  14. Usually you can spot them and then they give themselves away when they open their mouth, that is usually the clincher!  When I lived in Boston you could pick them out at the game (this was before 2004 when the bandwagon went on overload) but they would come out when the Sox were on a great streak and make ridiculous statements like "Troy O'Leary really is the best Left fielder that we have had!"  That was the biggest sign of Band wagon jumper!

  15. yea i guess im good at it,  i can really tell ainly becuzz hey get new fav teams evry year!    for example my friend liked the steelers then started liking the pats,  now hes feelin for da colt and giants\!

  16. Yes when your team sucks for years and no ones at the games, then all of a sudden they start playing well, win, in a playoff race and the stadium sells out just about everyday. Those are true bandwagon fans. Wont go when the team struggles but when they win they are all out in droves.

  17. I'm great at it.

    Brand new hats,jerseys and even people who leave the price tags on are dead giveaways.

    Plus anyone with "2 favorite teams" is a fraud.  

  18. I don't judge fans at all.  I am a die hard red sox fan, been one since 1985 when I was only 3.  If I see someone with Pink Red Sox stuff I still chat with them about the Sox, I mean just because they wear pink doesn't mean they are a bandwagoner.  

  19. no im not really, its kinda hard.  Some bandwagon fans are good at what they do.  Add that to the fact that some fans.... are just stupid, loyal, but stupid.

  20. I try not to judge a person quickly but i am very good spotting them..

    A few days ago i went to Disneyland and i saw this girl wearing a Red Sox tee. I asked her if she liked the Red Sox...she said "yes" then i told her who is her fave. player on the current team is....she said "Nomar" and i didnt say anything...obviously she is stuck in the past. Also she dint know the players name and was refering them to "the japanese dude" (Dice'K), "the hot outfielder"(Ellsbury)..etc..and she said that Julio Lugo is a far better player than Jed Lowrie...and i was like "wtf, ?" obvious bandwagoner.!  =]

    also i forgot to mention that she didnt know anything before the 2004 season....

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