
Are you good at keeping secrets?

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Im terrible , cant keep a secret to save my life , i have to share it with someone.(that would be my own secrets)

Sharing is caring right? lol.

Is telling someone elses secret regarded as gossiping?




  1. Yes,I´m very good at it.Got a few I´ve never told anyone.It´s hard sometimes to keep your mouth shut,but it´s also nice to see people trust you.

  2. Yes I keep secrets to myself and if you tell, you are gossiping...

  3. yes i keep to my self

  4. If its what the person wants,but if they don;t tell me to keep a secret,I'd tell certain people,even if it is personal

  5. I have secrets i will never tell and yes, it is poor taste to tell something to others that someone trusted you with in confidence

  6. Yes I am.

    You will learn at some stage in your life, and hopefully soon, the consequences and damage of recounting what someone has confided in you, or experience the pain and betrayal of somebody else recounting something you confided in them. It will be a lesson you will never forget. I learned the hard way... very early in my life.

    Whoever gossips to you, will gossip about you.

  7. A secret is something that you tell people, one at a time.

  8. oops, I am horrible. I cannot at all but I can keep names. My fiancee knows all what I know, hahahahaha. However, I cannot tell the right people if it is risky.

  9. yes

  10. I am quite good and will keep secrets. I have found in some instances that keeping secrets can put you in a difficult position especially if the secret involves a person you know and what you know is the opposite from what you know. Now that is the difficult part for me. The best is probably not to get involved in secrets at all.

  11. I usually forget things I'm not "supposed" to know!

  12. Well, if that person wishes to share their secrets with me I'll be honoured! If they wish that no one is to know, I respect that and look at it this way, they are putting so much faith and trust into you. If I brake that I am not much of a good friend. I'd hate it if someone I trusted so much deceived me.

    However even in saying this, a few times a secret has slipped out! We are only human and it happens. We aren't bad people for being human!

  13. i cant say.... its a secret ;-)

  14. I was the same as you...the second someone said, "You promise you won't tell anyone?"

    "Ya, I promise." I would tell someone.

    I now keep the secrets to myself and say nothing to anyone else.

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