
Are you good at picking up hints when someone you are seeing is no longer interested in you?

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Or do you need to be told straight up that its over?

What are the hints that the other person drops when they don't want to see you anymore?




  1. Some times people can't really be honest or out right with how they really fell so you have to rely on vibes or look at what they maybe not saying.

  2. No, people should be straight up. What if the person is just having a tough time at work...or some other stresses outside of the relationship?

  3. Yeah I can pick up a hint. However all the guys I was with was always straight up and it was usually me doing the dumping. But I could take a hint.

  4. Usually they start breaking dates for dinner or parties or whatever.  If you catch them having s*x with another person, that could be considered another strong hint.  

    I once started farting during intercourse, she sorta figured it was over.  She knew it was over when I farted during fellatio.

  5. I prefer to be told straight up, because if they are not consistent in their signs it can be easily mistaken as something else.

    Take for example my ex boyfriend. He would stop calling me for a period of time because he was busy with work. This happened over years. Then when he just stopped calling me all together I just thought it was him being busy again. I had no clue he broke up with me. I just got used to him never being around or calling.

  6. I hate hints.  Just be blunt and don't patronize me.

    Hopefully I'll never have to go through those stupid games again.  I'm married now and intend to stay that way till death does us part! :)

  7. not at all.  i don't take hints.  i'd prefer the person come flat out as opposed to being a punk.  just say whatcha gotta say!

  8. depends on your history really.  if your rel'ship had a lot of strife, then small signals like being closed, apathy, insults may be just more of the same, in which case you really need to be direct.  If your rel'ship was really loving however, then you will likely not miss the signals of loss of interest that I mentioned above.

  9. I think I'm pretty good. Generally, when the other person is sending "mixed messages" (they might say they want to see you, and yet they won't call for days), it pretty much means they're not so sure about wanting to see you. When my gut feeling tells me that something's not right, it usually isn't.

  10. If it's a man and he turns down a BJ lets face it lady it's over.

  11. well i mean you can tell by the change in attitude for sure

  12. I don't need to be told.

    not calling you back, not really listening to what you say, not showing up promptly to dates, not wanting to see you as often as before.

  13. I wouldn't know.  I'm fabulous, everybody loves me.

  14. If two people are both adults then they need to act like adults.  If it isn't working out then be upfront and honest.  Playing games isn't a good approach and hinting is one of them.  If you are hinting you are giving the other person mixed messages.  Be honest and upfront and make sure there is closure.

  15. Hints usually don't work on someone who is in love with you.  You need to be honest and direct with them. Other wise they will just make excuses to avoid believing what the hints mean.  Plus your the one not interested so you are the one who needs to officially end the relationship and not force them to do it by giving hints.

  16. Straight up. A person that really loves someone is unlikely to ever "give up" but if he or she is rational they will if told to do so.

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