
Are you good at.....?

by  |  earlier

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...comforting people, and making them feel better when they are unhappy/sad/worried...ect.?




  1. I guess...

    I am always there for who ever needs me.

    I support and help my friends.

    If they are in a problem....I try my best to get it solve in a safe way.

    If they need a shoulder to cry, I'm there.

    Day or Night I am there.

  2. Usually. I have a personal rule for my friends and family; I may not know how I can help, but I'm always there if they need me. Sometimes just that alone helps them.

    As tactless as I usually am, I know when to turn it off.

    I took a friend's son to the zoo to help him get his mind off the fact that his mother was undergoing life-saving surgery and took him out to see the Life Flight helicopter that had rescued her.

    And I was just there for a friend and his family when the doctor announced that he wasn't going to try to save the fetus if it meant saving the life of my friend's wife. I didn't do much more than shepherd everyone from the waiting room down to eat, and spend the day on my feet to have a shoulder for people to cry on. (She pulled through, so did her daughter.)

    I don't know why, or how, but for some reason, just being there seems to be a relief for my friends and family during stressful times.


  3. i guess so.

  4. Nope. I'd like to be but it isn't one of my strong points.

  5. Nope.

    I generally kick them when they're down.

    That way, they'll think twice before they f**k with me again.


    Time for my meds?....

    OK, gotta go!

  6. I always try my best ^__^

  7. Not really. I'm always ready to say a kind word, and I really feel for my friends when they're upset, but I normally can't do much more than hold their hand and tell them everything will be ok.

    Luckily, sometimes that's all they need.

  8. In Repair is lying... Amanda can't ever comfort people. HAHjgfdjhkg.

    .. I kid.

    ANYWAY. I'm really great at it.

    ...if I want to. It can be hard. I'm a tad sarcastic.


  9. Yes, I would say so.

  10. i think so. . .

  11. Sometimes you just cant find the right words to say, and you just really dont know what to say at all. But i try to do the best i can at making them feel better

  12. Most of the time, however, there are some who really need 'tough love' help them...and, that is more difficult...

  13. do am.

  14. People say I am. I think it's because if I realize someone is truly sad or worried, etc. I am a good & non-judgemental listener. Then I respond to the best of my empathic abilities to make them feel better. I don't like seeing people hurting in any way.

  15. yes  
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