
Are you good at using coupons on your grocery bill?

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If so, can you give me some hints?




  1. try this for coupons

  2. You mean the ones on the back??? No, but I do use a lot of coupons.  There are a lot of great sites out there for coupons. has some good ones.

  3. i find it very fifficult to do.  they always need to be a certain size and not the one I want.  i get a regular customer card and watch the sales instead.

  4. No, I have never been a friend of coupons.  I believe that coupons are mostly for items that are overpriced and unhealthy.  I don't purchase these high-fat, high-salt or sugary items just because they constantly advertise them on TV.  If you are a wise shopper, you know that most grocery stores have the store brands on sale often, and the regular prices  of store brands are lower than the sale price on the name-brand product.

    I knew a woman who would make a 5 mile round trip to a grocery store just to save 10 cents on an item.

    Would you call this "intelligent shopping"?

  5. No, I almost never use coupons. Mostly, we don't get the Sunday paper (with two little ones, I don't have time to read it anyway), and we try to buy a lot of natural products. I don't find many coupons for those.

    I check out my store's online flyer as I make up my grocery list. I came up with a system that lets me go grocery shopping once a week. I create a menu for the week, trying to utilize leftovers. We eat sandwiches at least once a week for dinner, and we usually have a baked potato for dinner once a week, too. (We top them with all kinds of things.) I've found I spend a lot less by going to the store once a week, which makes up for not using coupons.

    Remember. If you don't really need the product anyway, having a coupon for it won't save you any money. Good luck!

  6. The easiest thing I can say is that you should buy coupons for pennies to save quarters.

    I use

  7. Sorry Im not. Im good at clipping coupons, and storing them. But when it comes to using them, i ALWAYS forget

  8. I am the coupons queen - LOL - for the most part.  I get extra Sunday inserts and sign up for a lot of mailing lists.  Then I watch sales at different stores in my area and keep track of regular prices on items so I know when I'm getting a good deal or not.  I don't cut out my coupons till I need them and don't get rid of them until they expire.  When I find a good deal, I buy as many as I have coupons for.  I don't just use them in the grocery either - clothing stores, home improvement stores, restaurants, you name it.  Who ever said that coupons are only for fatty, bad items obviously doesn't use coupons.  That is a large assumption, however when you are saving money on items you use, that frees up money for items that you don't have coupons for.  It takes time and practice, but you can get good at it and learn as you go.

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