
Are you green for natures sake, or your wallets sake?

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My gf thinks its great I care enough to sacrafice comfort and style by keeping my thermostat down, driving a small vehicle and shopping at thrift stores. If I told her it was to save money instead I think she would leave me in a second. Never have too much money when dating though, right?




  1. I'm green for the environment, the money savings its just an added bonus!

  2. Well I will always do it for the environment, even if people say that global warming is fake, because lets face it, it isn't political, religious, or opinion, it is just purely based on logic and fact.

    But after a while, it really does affect the wallet, and you can have more luxuries that other don't!!

    Like, buying those expensive Environmental friendly products!

  3. Nothing wrong with going green to save money. Trying to help the earth is a good thing and if you can save money while you do this thats good to. But don't ever stop doing it for the earth.

  4. I am defiantly green for natures sake because without all the nature like trees and animals, one we wouldn't be able to breath without trees and without animals there would be no more food chain and we humans would eventually die out. Plus trees give us shade and block some sun from us, which otherwise it would be hotter than usual without them. So, its good to save money too but think about what nature provides for us and what we have done back to nature. Which so far we haven't been very nice to nature at all. :( :( This makes me sad.

  5. I am green for the environment.

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