
Are you grossed out by a man and a woman kissing?

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I always hear about complaints of two men or two women kissing but you never hear of any complaints about a man and a woman. Why are straight people so grossed out by same-s*x kissing and g*y people are just expected to not be grossed out when opposite-s*x kiss? Are you?




  1. well to be honest im not grossed out im kinda jelouse b/c they can kiss in public and it would be considered normal but if g*y people kiss its like its un nartral or something

  2. Are you grossed out by a man and a woman kissing?

    Only men and men!  man kissing women is how it's supposed to be that's what leads to babies can two men have babies or two women?  The narcissism from homosexuals is amazing.

  3. I am not grossed out by any one kissing, but sucking face in public is another matter.  

  4. Well, to me, it's nice that people show there feelings to each other through kissing. When do I not like it? When it starts looking more like a p**n show that a display of affection. Keep it in your own homes, people! For me, that goes for all types of sexuality. Why should I be biased? I'm straight, and I'm fine whenever I see same-s*x couples as well as opposite-s*x couples together.

  5. We're exposed to men and women kissing each other in the media, so it's kinda normal to see that. Straight people grossed out by it either just aren't used to it or are homo haters

  6. I'm not I just think it's not my business and I just really don't mind. But it's kind of mean if you were to think that.

  7. I just feel a sense of loss. Like, "He's so hot, what the h**l is he doing with HER?"

  8. since we were little we've been watching tv where a man dna woman fall in love or get married or whatever.

    we are surrounded by heterosexual couples all the time so i don't find it repulsive when i see them anymore  

  9. You people sicken me. I am not religious at all but after reading something like this I wish the bible was true and g*y men would suffer and burn in the fiery pits of h**l.

    See the problem here is men and women biologically are meant to be with each other to reproduce and build a strong loving family. And the fact your mind is so warped that a natural relationship disgusts you infuriates me.

    I normally wont say anything to g*y people and what you do is your business but when you project hertophobia it pisses me off. Everyday I try to accept the idea that homosexuals are people to. But after I read things like this I change my opinions.  

  10. a bit like when I'm at school or in the street and see them kissing im a bit grossed out cause theyre doing it in public and tounge kissing o_o, but i dont find it disgusting like they do...  

  11. I'm a straight person and i find nothing gross about two men kissing or two women kissing or a man and a woman kissing.As a matter of fact nothing about kissing someone is gross to me:)

  12. God built us to be attracted to the opposite, not to the same-s*x.  That is Gayness and it is wrong in so many ways.  I am grossed out by man-man and by woman-woman because it is morraly wrong.  I am NOT, however, "grossed out" by a man and a woman kissing, becausethat is the way god made us.

  13. because its gross!!!!

  14. I am not grossed out about heterosexual or homosexuals kissing

  15. Nah, I'm not grossed out by a man and woman kissing. I'm straight, haha.

    It's just different to see two women or men kissing.

  16. Well to be honest, yeah, kind of. When I see a man and woman kissing on T.V. or on the streets I get sort of grossed out. But I think it stems from anger. Anger that their love is celebrated and mine is shunned and minimized. I think if all things were equal, I wouldn't really care.

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