
Are you happy about the fuel price war?

by  |  earlier

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Peace and great respect to everybody on YA.

The UK government drops, sorry - postpones it's 3p tax rise, then we have up to 9 pence/litre reductions apparently. Much welcome news I'm sure and I aint skoffing at it either.

I Don't like to put the mockers on stuff BUT....

'Hello' - it's summertime, and Joe Public isn't using heating oil much right now, summer lecky and gas usage is minimal (it's still about oil when you mention lecky and gas you know), and this time of the year, fuel is awash and plentyfull because the greedy OPEC lot can't sell us as much as they'd like.

Again, sorry to rain on anyone here, but we're STILL paying 20% more than this time last year. Who are they trying to kid?

Are you still happy?




  1. No, something has to be done, before nobody can afford it.

  2. I'm not happy, it hasnt dropped by 9p in my area and while petrol doesnt bother me coz I got no car it hasnt changed the increase in food prices.

  3. No it's ridiculous. I know we're supposed to be in the middle of a credit crunch but how is it justifiable that the gas prices are to rise by 70%? If we can't afford to live as we are then how are we expected to cope with the rising costs of fuel, electricity etc?  We are supposed to be Great Britain but what's so great about it?

    Peace and respect to you too x

  4. no not really, coz if we weren't paying all the tax on fuel we would get it cheaper still. by the way I'm with Neart Gragus onoir, your avatar is really cool, its a pleasure to see you.

  5. Is there any / Ididnot know that.

  6. no but your avatar cheers me up

  7. not happy about the fuel price war>>>>we r getting SCREWED>>>>sorry...but true!

  8. I'd like to know where the 9p reductions in petrol are!!!!

    You're right about us paying more than last year, and I doubt it'll go down in the near future.

  9. No i'm not happy, but who is,?

    They are still making a greedy profit, and stupid us are having to live with it.

    I'm still paying through the nose whether it's summer or not, but what can we do about it, nothing.

    It just goes to show that they can afford to knock a few pence off petrol, as the supermarket chains are all copying each other, by cutting 4 and 5p off a litre of petrol.

    who says it can't be done,?

    Excuse my French but the government are just robbing B****DS.

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