
Are you happy in you re job of work.And what is it you do.And does you re work harm the environment in any way

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ok interesting.i lay bricks.i build houses basicaly.and im positive the prosses is very harmful to the a cave creator for humans..wish we would use the older methods of building




  1. I am an arborist. Please do not confuse aborists with your local tree service. Arborists study and work with trees. Sometimes we have to cut them down when the situation calls for it. But we would rather care for the tree than kill it.

    Most tree services are in the Tree Removal Business. They are in it for the paycheck not for the love of trees.

    So yes, I love my job because I love trees. If that makes me a "Tree Hugger", then so be it!

  2. I love my job I am a decorator and I do no harm to the enviroment that I am aware of..

  3. my job does not harm the environment work in sales dont like my job my counter manager is a big fat bully

  4. No, my job stinks, literally. I work at an oil refinery. This place is a blight on the environment.

  5. I'm really lucky in my job i merchandise stock in a supermarket and as long as i don my hours i can pretty much go in when it suits me. i don't think it harms the environment no.

  6. I'm very happy I'm a full time mummy....and we recycle!

  7. I bailed out of training as a carpenter for environmental reasons. As a singleton without responsibilities I am largely unempleyed because most work is against environmental principles. I did look for work at a recycling centre, but I think I was over qualified in the brain dept.

    Having stood back for a bit a few possibilities are presenting themselves. but I think the space was essential to finding them. GL.

  8. Yes I'm very happy in my work.I care for sick and disabled people-my work does contribute to the pollution of our planet -with disposable diapers and plastics but it can't be helped.We do dispose of properly,but it takes  a lot of time for these things to break down.

  9. there are 3 questions but just 1 answer that is


  10. I have just commenced a new job, which does not harm the environment, we help business to improve there services and increase business

  11. Yes I love my job (most days.... lol)  I am an administrator for a hair salon and no, I don't think my work damages the environment at all.... :)

  12. My job is retail...receiving clothing  wrapped in plastic from mostly 3rd world countries. The plastic wrap is thrown away in a separate receptacle from the recyclable cardboard. I don't feel at all good about the plastic waste, but there is nothing I can do about it. There are about 5 different types or weights of plastic, so it would make sorting & recycling very difficult & not all of our stores have employees who even care about this problem. And no, I'm not at all happy lately.

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