
Are you happy in your life/who your with?

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Are you happy in your life/who your with?




  1. Hi April, thanks for asking!

    Well, Not realy but trying to be. I only live with my mum, and I`m happy with that.

    I never met my sperm donor(dad) because I choose not to.

    I have a half brother who was adopted out. So I never met him.

    And no, because I didn`t say that I was happy for choosng not to meet theese people, I just think its the right choise for my life and how its going. I might change my mind, we`ll see.

    I have other family, a huge crazy bunch that I love!

    On my mum`s side. Thats enough for me at this time.

    How about you?!

  2. happy and content sharing a love with my wife and having love returned in kind...

    ...we face the challenges of life together, and communicate our and taking to make our love and life stronger...

    ...thanks for asking...

  3. If you're happy with who you are or what you have, you can never improve.

  4. Make yourself an interesting person. When you get to the nursing home, you will be your only entertainment. I am happy with the person who I am with: ME.

  5. Yes. There are things I would change, and there are things I wouldn't change for the world. But when it comes down to it, I don't have much reason to complain. I have my health, I have somebody I love who loves me too, I've got friends and family. I have a roof over my head and food to eat. I may not be the richest, and I may not have as many luxuries as some people, but that doesn't mean a thing. I'm happy with what I've got, and if I'm not, it's up to me to change that.  

  6. I can honestly say I have many moments when I am truly happy. quite blissful maybe.

    but I don't think I have ever really met a moment of contentment. I feel if you are content you are satisfied, I can not be satisfied until I have a least strive to improve or impact the world somehow.

    and even then I doubt the world will ever be completely perfect so I doubt I will ever be content, there always MORE that can be done.

    but im also an optimist:

    I look at that motivation... movation to work harder to try to help more.

    not as being in a state of misery from utter dissatisfaction.  

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