
Are you happy or sad when school starts?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a little in between because you can go back and see all the people you didn't get to see in the summer and see how people have changed. But on the other hand I'm getting up 6 hours earlier than I did the past two months and there's a little bit more work.




  1. I'm the same way. I don't want the summer to end though. I like having time to do things I want to do..usually during the school year the week days are packed with school homework and dance and I get really stressed I guess I'm More of sad just because I don't want summer to end :-(

  2. Its depressing.  I have 3 more weeks of freedom :-(

  3. i'm sad =[ today is my last day of break. tomorrow h**l starts again. getting up early, annoying teachers, tests, homework...

  4. Hmm yeah getting up early sucks haha but I am definitely excited to go back. Haha I've got all my binders and I'm ready to go!  

  5. When the young folk are back to prison...sorry I mean school ,...boy am I happy  

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