
Are you happy?????????????

by  |  earlier

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just wondering... I hope you are. It seems so many people these days are not truly content




  1. i'm happy. even if i'm struggling at school. i'm happy. i'm trying to convince myself that at least i'm happy.^_^

  2. I am happy most of the times, but sometimes I am very unhappy and unfortunately those are the times I remember more and thereby feel unhappy all over again.

  3. Well... My girlfirend dumped me for my best friend, I got depressed, starting smoking weed and doing cocaine, quit, got disowned by my parents, was fired from job, and was evicted from my appartment. Other than that I'm happy =)  

  4. Happiness is a state of mind.

  5. ...yes, i am content and happy, thank you for asking...

  6. Not to boast but yea,most of the time I am.

  7. yes. i was just walking home today and as i saw the sun come through the trees and smelt the fragrance of flowers.. it was so beautiful, and instantly put me in a good mood :)

  8. I love animals and in this world they aren't happy,so I'm not so happy too.

  9. i come to realise the true meaning of happiness and only then can you be truely happy.

  10. yes, i am now!

    I always thought money could buy me happiness,no,i`ve had all the cars,planes etc, but i don`t need that now ,life is so easy without it all!

  11. Im happy.  No matter how hard to be a single parent (I'm a widow). I anm happy because of my children.

  12. I happy but it could be better if more things fall into place.

  13. Yes I am happy because I feel loved and you need to know that love is an earned feeling not easily given.  I do offer a cyber hug and it is from the heart.  Give a cyber hug to another please.

  14. I am  happy with my routine and I thank God for making me satisfied in life .

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