
Are you happy that Ben Cousins was fired?

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Ben Cousins was axed from the West Coast Eagles today. Are you happy about this?




  1. He was one of my favourite players, so I`m not happy about it......had to happen though.

  2. I wouldn't say happy about it .............. no one wants a career to end in that way especially for someone who has been successful and yet still at a relatively young age in terms of football.

    Regardless of his talent and abilities It was the right thing to do.

  3. No...but it was time he left. Still its sad...but its been made too big. Everyone is talkin about him and drugs and tht. But I know 14year old girls on drugs and a mother who gave kids(14yo) smokes and booze at a party. They don't go on th news. Plus 30 000 kids(<5) die a day. There not on th news. Lets jus get back to life

  4. Yesterday. It was The right descision for all parties involved.I would love to see him play again but he needs to fix his ill health and stay out of the limelight for some time

  5. For me personally, I always enjoy watching someone who is good at their sport.

    Ben had style that would possibly not be matched again for a long time to come.

    Even the hierarchy at the WCE appeared saddened on the nightly news that the club needed to sever Ben's contract.

    Why would anyone be happy listening and viewing the demise of a superstar for days on end.

    After all, his career may not be over yet, he may end up at another club. Stranger things have happened.

  6. Even though I go for the Eagles, I think he deserves it. He had a 2nd chance and he blew it. But it will be a chance now that he isn't under the pressure of playing games, training, etc. for him to fix the problem and get off the drugs.

  7. yes for sure, hes bad for the game

  8. yes it was 1 year to late

  9. Yeah, but only cause hes a role model for kids

  10. I'd be happier if he actually had to face the legal consequences of his stupid choices.  Do you think that if you or I got in the kind of trouble he got in, the charges would be "adjourned" so we could fly out of the country for "rehab"?  Yeah, right!

  11. yes, but i still think its a shame he wasnt able to stay clean, coz he was realy good :(

  12. Sad to see the events leading up to it.  Glad a decision was made quickly and the right way.  

    Happy? No - I would have loved to see the guy come back clean and win a Norm Smith or Brownlow ... a la Steve Johnson's example.  Seriously thought he would.

  13. I believe it was the right desicson for him (Ben Cousins) and also the club. They are being known as the West Coke Eagles ( as seen on the chasers). And no clubs wants the media in there faces.

  14. Not at all!

    I am not happy that Ben was sacked, or that Ben was arrested, or that Ben was silly enough to get him self mixed up in the drug scene.

    It is a bloody shame that such a young, promising and talented football player has gone down this road.

    Happy? NO Very Sad!!

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