
Are you happy to be an LGBT?

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Are you happy to be an LGBT? If not, why?.

I'm g*y, and I wouldn't change it for anything.




  1. even if  u started to like girls

  2. I've been out since I was 16 years old and am absolutely happy with who I am and who I have become in the years since. I've had a life filled with a lot of adventure and fun thus far, am in love with a wonderful man, and enjoy a great quality of life. I am happy even more because attitudes are changing and we are becoming much more accepted.  

  3. I have never lied, denied or been made to be ashamed of who I am. I love me, my life, my family and friends. I know and believe God loves me for me, not for what man perceives me to be. I would not change a thing.

    PH, love your commentaries. keep on keepin' on baby!

  4. i love it!

    i couldn't see it any other way


  5. I make up the esteemed "B" part of LGBT, and I have to say it makes me happy that I can recognize the value in everyone (or potentially everyone).  This is who I am, and this is who I love. =)

  6. Absolutely, I've finally come to terms with all of me and I wouldn't change it for the world!  

  7. Being able to live my life with someone who also understand what it is to be a woman? Priceless.

  8. In my humble opinion being LGBT is only one part of who you are and I hope that we all know that. I also think that with that in mind we should ask ourselves, "are we the best human being we can be?" In life there are those who discriminate and are cruel to others. We must make a stand not only for ourselves but for those who lack the will and strength to stand up for themselves. It's very easy to become angry at those who don't stand up for themselves but I ask that we don't get angry but become supportive and help to strengthen them.

    I've met and known a lot of young people and kids who are GLBT and I've counted it all joy to help them in their lives. To empower someone to focus on their better aspects and to excel in the pursuit of their dreams is quite liberating.

    You young kids, teens and adults, please reach deep down inside yourselves and bring up all the courage and beauty that you possess to become the most beautiful, loving and moral human beings you can be. Don't let people play you and don't follow the ideologies of others who never provide you with all the facts. You are all self aware human beings who have the ability to think and to utilize logic and passion to come to the answers which not only serve you but those around you.

    We are not alone. We are family. Act like it, and be happy you have one great big hilarious, artistic and loving family. You will find in life that you will be the happiest when you are helping others to achieve happiness. It's contagious.

    Hugs to all.

    I'm Paranormal Hamburger and I approve this message.

    My answers are fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free, and caffeine free. Batteries not included. ©2008 By Paranormal Hamburger. All Rights Reserved (Humor).

  9. I've never know anything else, so I'm happy with what I am.

  10. Yes! :]

    I love girls.

  11. im happy about being happy and im exatic about being bi. i love took me forever to embrace it...theres no way in heck i would change this for anything.

  12. a year ago,i would`ve traded my life for a dung beatle`s.but now after i accepted my self and stopped trying to commit suicide,i think i`m the happiest person in the world!!i can now walk with a smile on my face,and everything is just,well,happier!!

    just the other day,i was telling my friend that if i could choose to be straight or g*y,i would definetly want to be me(that is g*y!)

    so yep yep yep,g*y and proud!

    LGBT,i just luv ya!

  13. I'm happy being g*y. In fact, if I got depressed, I just think at how lucky I am being g*y! Seriously, I am!

  14. I am happy about it now. I didn't used to be though. Just because of the stereotypes and discrimination you can face... But... It's totally worth it.

  15. Yes,  mostly happy T here...

    Still have issues but happiness is something you CAN choose to be by looking at the positive around you.  Anxiety and fear sometimes happen because of the fierce resistance and ignorance I have experienced in public.  At the same time is so extremely free and comforting to express my femme to the world...  that is happiness of the heart.

  16. mhm. Life Rocks.

  17. I'm not, But thats because i'm not out yet. when i finally come out and get a BF then i am sure i will be happy. i'm just a p***y for not jumping in yet....haha

  18. i'm lovin it

    i'm very happy being a G

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