
Are you happy to be intact (men)?

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If any of you guys are uncircumcised, tell me if your happy with it, or if you would rather be circumcised. Your answer will count greatly I'm my studies.

10 points to whoever explains why they are happy with uncut, or why they would rather be cut.




  1. I'm happy to be intact!


    1) The movable skin on the shaft makes s*x and masturbation pleasurable.

    2) The head of my p***s isn't dried out, desensitized and keratinized

    3) I was barely at risk for meatal stenosis as opposed to circumcised boys.

    4) No hideous scar on my p***s

  2. I'm happy to be uncircumcising myself.     I was mutilated as an infant, and am restoring my f******n.    So actually, currently I don't have a full f******n, but it's growing all of the time.

    I don't know if this is helpful with your question, but use it for whatever it's worth.    I suffered more than the usua amount of nerve damage from male genital mutilation, which made it impossible for me to achieve o****m in normal s*x.    When I found out about f******n restoration, it really changed my life.     Sensitivity has improved, and o****m intensity has increased to the point where it's almost an out-of-body experience.

    I'd rather be intact; natural, normal and whole definitely feels better and functions better than mutilated, scarred and partial.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  3. I am VERY happy my husband has NOT been circumcised! Having f******n makes a HUGE difference.  s*x is far more pleasurable with it.  

  4. I`m uncut too, and very grateful to my parents to didn`t circumcised me. When you are not circumcised, your p***s have more sensitivity during s*x, masturbation, or BJ, because your foresking can glide and give you great o****m. It`s definitely a must to be uncut!!

  5. YES!

  6. I'm uncut and very happy about it!  s*x is great and I couldn't imagine life any other way.  I've done my homework and I've learned that there's no legitimate reason to perform circumcision at all.  This just confirms what I've known all my life.

  7. I'm happy not being circumcised. Yeah, at this minute in time, I've got phimosis going on, and it is really uncomfortable, but the pleasure of having an unmutilated p***s, with every sense of touch I was born with, is far better, also safer, I'd rather scratch my f******n on a zipper if I was in a hurry and had an accident, than scratch the head...

    The f******n was there for a reason, I see no sensible reason to lose it.

  8. I was circumcised 9 years ago at the age of 19 and now totally regret it! Masturbation and s*x were far superior when I was uncut! I always kept my f******n clean so its not I even benefited hygiene-wise, in fact after I got circumcised I assumed I didn't need to worry about "down there" and neglected it! Got an infection! I would highly recommend staying uncut! I would give anything to have my f******n back!

  9. I love being intact, and being in an 80% majority worldwide.

    It looks natural, feels awesome, has never done me any harm, and the bottom line is 'if it aint broke dont fix it'.

    I'd never rather be cut.

  10. i'm happy that i'm uncircumcised =]


  11. im glad im uncut.

  12. I am very unhappy because I am cut and I had no choice in that. I saw a mate masturbating when I was about 12 and envied him his ability to stroke the entire length of his p***s using the gliding action of his f******n. Adult males lose 15 square inches (40 square centimetres) of skin in circumcision, over half the skin of your p***s. Newly circumcised adults usually go through some weeks of intense discomfort as the glans is constantly exposed to rubbing on clothing, until it develops a thicker keratin layer and becomes less sensitive.

    A recent study has shown real differences in fine touch sensitivity between circumcised and intact penises and that the most sensitive parts of the intact p***s are those that would be removed by circumcision.The claimed benefits of circumcision are a beat up (based on flawed studies) and don't really exist but medical authorities have worked out that the overall complication rate is higher than all the benefits claimed by the pro-cutting advocates.

    A very recent study in New Zealand followed a cohort of boys through life from birth to age 32. About 40% were circumcised. The intact males had a slightly lower rate of sexually transmitted infections than the circumcised but there was no significant difference.

    Using surgery to mutilate the genitals instead of washing in a modern western society makes no sense. Normal intact male genitals are, if anything, easier to wash than female ones and the same substance, smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes.

    I feel I missed out on a lot for no valid reason.

  13. Uncut and wouldn't change it.  I was born with it, and it has never caused a single problem in my life, why would I want to part with it?

    The best reason to be happy about being uncut, if that if you are unhappy you can change it.  

  14. i am uncircumsized and happy with it.

    i like the way it looks and i really like how it feels when i m********e and the skin moves up and down

  15. I'm glad that I'm uncut because it's the way I was born and no one took a knife to my p***s and took off part of the skin.  The covering means that my glans is very sensitive and trust me, for a guy who enjoys oral s*x, that is very important when my gf is working on me.  It also means that I have a built-in lube machine.  I have never used lube when j/o'ing and never will because the skin slides so easily.  The skin is also very pleasurable and has thousands of nerve endings that cut guys just don't have.  Yeah, I'm very happy that I'm uncut.

  16. I'm uncut and happy to be. The main (but hidden) reason children are circumcised was originally to reduce their s*x drive (females) and sensitivity (males). Nowadays, besides being a religious tradition, some people claim it's more hygienic, which is b***s***, and that it prevents STDS, which is even more b***s***. Anybody can learn to use soap and water to keep themselves clean, and if they don't, being circumcised won't help one bit.

    I don't think it's fair to mutilate little boys' willies for obscure reasons. Would be much more fair to let them decide for themselves when they're old enough to do so.  

  17. If I were a guy I would want to have been left intact, for obviosu reasons. I know my bf is happy he has been.


  18. to my understanding it make no difference "pleasure" wise, only difference is looks

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