
Are you happy with Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket?

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Do you think she will energize the support for McCain and help him win?




  1. Certainly. The two seem like such a good pair, like they could really work together.

    Unlike Biden who will be itching for the day Obama is assassinated.

    She accents his maverick style, being one herself. He just showed everyone that he makes his decisions based on whats best for the country, not the GOP. He could have listened to them all and chose Romney or somone like that, but no, he chose someone like him.


  2. Yes!  She is gonna help land the conservative vote.  That's all McCain needs to win.  60% of Americans consider themselves at least somewhat conservative.  only 10% are very liberal, and another 20% are somewhat liberal.  

    Palin is an awesome choice!

    McCain-Palin !

  3. Grand Slam!!!!!  

    The Democrats are livid!!!!!!  ROFLMFAO!!!!

    Obama makes what should have been a history making speech, he set it up that way (funny how the REAL history making speeches are never set up that way) and draws the largest television audience for a political speech EVER...and the next day NO ONE is talking about it!!!!  THAT my friends, is a political rope-a-dope of the grandest scale!

    I was not a fan of McCain, I still am not a fan of McCain.  But he will get my vote if for nothing else proving he is clever as a fox and I think we can use that.  By the way...THAT is experience and THAT is what Obama is up against.  Believe me, Obama realizes he just LOST.

  4. oh yeah, i'm so energized.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  5. Brilliant move.

    If you look at my old posts, I started a hardcore Obama supporter during the primaries, recently shifted into neutral, and now completely on the fence. This time last year I found it almost inconceivable I'd vote Republican this year for President, but now I am strongly considering it. Sarah Palin still IS the maverick we all hoped John McCain still was. She's got ethics, she has my values (other than supporting ANWR drilling), and she's super intelligent. Great pick.

    p.s. Obviously as someone who is considering Obama, her lack of experience does not bother me.

  6. the majority still rules?  like in the LIBERAL controlled house and senate?

    yes, thank god the majority rules, and knows what party controls congress

  7. I personally am not 100% pleased with either side. Palin was a great choice for McCain's election, but I don't think we will be saying the same thing in 2011.

  8. The benefit of his selection of Palin is to convince voters that, if elected, he will appoint people like Britany Spears to his cabinet. How can anyone seriously consider voting for McLame-Pailen rather than Obama-Biden? It is all too too funny.

  9. McCain's efforts are far too obvious. He has deadened his experience argument against Obama. Besides, McCain will not attract all of the Hillary-Democrats he is hoping to gain. Too bad his "smart" strategy will backfire on him come November.  

  10. Yes! I hope she cleans house in Washington, DC just like she did in Alaska-that will be a refreshing change.

  11. It was quite an interesting move.

    It seems to me like McCain only chose her because she is somewhat like a Mirror Image to Obama...

    It will be hard to attack Palin without anyone thinking of Obama.

    Again, interesting move, I want to see how it unfolds.

  12. I'm happy with his choice. Putting her on the ticket has secured the nomination for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

    The Maverick has done it again, double crossing Republicans.  

    Mondale/Ferraro 2

  13. Very much!

    No reasonable person can support McCain anymore.

  14. Yes! He could have tried for the swing votes by picking lieberman at which point I would have stayed home. But he picked someone who shares my VALUES. I don't vote race or gender or slogans. Conservatives are just that. Values oriented. I am now ready to release the campain contributions that I have been witholding since I didn't know how his pick would go. She clings to her religion AND her guns and she's a mommy too. What a lady!

  15. I'm happy with Gov. Palin. I also think she brings energy to the McCain ticket.  I know that I was planning to vote for him but now I'm am excited to vote for him.  I like what little I have been able to learn about this woman.  Her character, her values, her family story.  I don't even mind that she is pro life to an extreme.  Just think, no matter how everyone  votes, there is a real chance to make history.

    McCain - Palin '08

  16. Republicans will try to fool you by saying it was the best decision on Y/A But if you look around the networks the Republican strategist and gov are saying its a gamble that could come back to hunt him.

  17. How can anyone vote for McCain now?  Imagine for a second that Palin would need to become a president? How would you feel to vote for her as a president. It is just sooo ridiculous.  Woman...any woman...?

  18. Yes, it bring to light the lack of experience of Obama. She works both sides of the aisle, that Obama claims but can't accomplish. She's met payrolls by her two companies, managed a city and now manages a state.

    She would be a better president than Obama, but the fact is that McCain has everyone talking about a "mother" 3 years younger than Obama and has everyone comparing their experiences. She comes out ahead each time. It makes it clear Obama's only experience is simply casting a vote.

  19. I know I am.

  20. I,m not happy because is all about pleasing some of the women who defected from the clinton nothing more than that.Yesterday she says she has no idea what is the role of a VP. I am disappointed now i have to vote for Obama for the sake of the country

  21. Heck yeah, she will energize the base and therefore nullify Obama's energy. You saw what happen yesterday, Obama has a stadium filled with 80,000+ confused people and all were talking about is a gun shooten, pro life, lady from Alaska who is a reformer to the bone. This is what the country is looking for. They are tired of wasteful spending and politicians who cannot work across the isle to get things done. McCain and Palin have a record of doing this, NoBama and Gaffe Machine Biden do not.

    McCain/Palin 08'  

  22. Very much! I can't wait for the debates!

    Palin will soon find out that she not at a Meter Maid Association of Alaska meeting.

  23. Yes.  I do.

    I actually wrote to the McCain team ans asked them to consider Palin as a running mate -- her and Sam Brownback.  

  24. Yep, brilliant move.

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