
Are you happy with the kind of wife/husband you are?

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Are you happy with the kind of wife/husband you are?




  1. I think I am a great person on the inside but I have let myself go since being married. My wife works out, eats healthy, and looks like the jewel that she is... all I do is make money and gain weight. I have lost weight before but stress has my by the throat. If I looked like I did when we were first married, then I would be happy with myself.

  2. yes i workd took care of bills he ignored me and stayed on pc. i love him but he love pc more.  i had to let him go after 4 years of marriage and he wouldnt change.  

  3. I try to improve myself every day.  I am not perfect, my husband thinks I am though.  I try my best everyday.


  4. how can i be when i have a husband who

    *skids marks on underwear

    *leaves plate on the table after eating instead of picking it up

    *exspects you to jump when he wants something but makes you wait

    *leaves boogers on the wall

    *passes gas while having s*x or whenever

  5. Generally yes, but I know I could be a lot better & I know he could be better.  I don't know exactly what keeps me from being exactly what I want to be, maybe it's selfishness or fear that my efforts will be for nothing because he won't even realize what I'm doing.  Who knows....  But we are generally happy and I think I'm generally a good wife.

  6. I am not a perfect husband, I know that, The wife tells me I am one ina million and she could not have more of a better husband..not sure what she see's, But I am glad she loves me.I think some stuff I could do better on.

  7. I adore my husband and usually portray that to him.  There are times when life gets in the way, but we get through it and come out stronger on the other side.  

  8. Yes I am.  I think I do a lot around the house, I take care of my honey and although I don't cook often during the week, I try.  Just got a great new cookbook that we both love, every Sunday is a nice meal.  I try my best to make him happy so I would say I am a good wifey!

  9. I think I am great, my wife thinks I am a loser. with any luck i will die soon

  10. I am...hes amazing =) i loveeeeee him ( im on the computer/ hes playing on his drums)  

  11. For the mostpart.  

  12. For the most part I am. I guess we could all use a little improvement and I try to be the best that I can be.  

  13. I'm sure there are things I can improve on, but I think for the most part I'm a pretty good wife. My husband and I have been happily married for 11 years, so I think we both have done something right:)

  14. yes,but i think there is always  a way to improve

  15. I try my best and I'm not perfect. I could be better and I try.

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