
Are you happy with where life's journey has lead you so far?

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Have there been surprises along the way? What have been the major life lessons you have learned?




  1. yes, on the whole i learn from everything which i do or is done to me. i definately abide by reaping what you sow.

  2. I am satisfied at where I am - almost 64 years old. There have been surprises and failures along the way. What I have learned is that people are responsible for their own actions. Not God, government, parents, etc. I am responsible for what I have done or not done. I am at peace with that, because with all the failures, I am happy with what I have done.

  3. Yes, I am happy.  Yes, there have been many life lessons.  The following three - which are truly dependent on each other - are the most important I have learned.

    Do this to all things:

    1. Welcome

    2. Enjoy

    3. Bid farewell

    Argue not, but only remember and practice.

  4. in many words i can say i am happy with where life has entered me into even tho i am actually unhappy in the many moments of my life,,,but i know that this is only a test and a trial that i am going through and eventually it will get better,,i guess u can say i base my life on hope and faith

  5. I think we're lost.  Somebody pull over and ask for directions!

  6. No, I'm not really happy. Too many regrets. Wish I'd done this, wish I'd done that. What I've learnt is that you don't get a second chance. No second chance. So, you've got to make the best of it, make the most of it while you still can.  Every second counts. Life is NOW. Yesterday is dead and gone while tomorrow is but a dream, a hope. All that matters is now. Say what you ought to say while you still can. Say it NOW. Do what you ought to do. Do it NOW. Don't wait for a second chance. You may never get a second chance.

  7. no im not

    my life was so boaring that i regret it and i dont want my coming days to be like that

    and i think that i didnt achieve anything in my life and im scared f i die, ill die with no effect in the life (i see alot of ppl at my age and younger that they achieved something and they r happy) thats y i feel like a loser

  8. In fact yeah... And there have been many surprises! I cannot even count the number of times I said: "Oh, thanks God I did/did not.......when I wanted!"

    Major life lessons? I would say that it is now that I am learning most of them.

    1.Close your mouth and listen what somebody is telling you! - my number one really useful. Sometimes it brings even more than talking.  

    2."Thank you" - I say really very often. I feel so often thankful to people. And I want them to feel my thank.  

    3.Prefer love and calm against fights and arguments - it helps my blood pressure - it does not get high very often :-)

    4.Stand up for your beliefs but change them when you feel it is good.

    5.Be strict on yourself but not so much. -feel joy even from little achievements.

    And some other important things, as well.

    I hope I answered your answer in the way you wanted it to be answered - not just stupid childish talk.


  9. yes

  10. I think there is a Hindu saying that goes "All paths lead to the truth".  And I find solace in that.  

    Instead of worrying if i'm on THE right path, I make decisions that in my opinion put me on the best path (ie, shortest path to the truth). In other words, not to get side-tracked by things that we perceive as 'real', but to keep my focus on the 'ultimate reality'.

    It also helps me to not judge other people's way of life.  Instead of criticizing/judging life style's I don't agree with, I just sit back and think to myself  "man, that person sure isn't choosing the shortest path, but he'll find the truth one day".

  11. Yes I am happy with where I am.

    I learned to be more confident in myself and work.

    I also know now that I have a voice.

  12. Yes. My regrets, mistakes and I should've and shouldn't done are all part of me and I'll take them with me through out my life.  One of my major lessons is not to give my heart so quickly  to a man. Love comes softly not quickly. But I can say I'm happy where I'm at.

  13. I am so happy with where my life is today! I am not content, I am purely and genuinely happy, just because I am a young, intelligent, attractive women, with so much to be thankful for, and so much to look forward to. I have finally figured out the woman I am, and also with changing my mindset, I have set myself free, and in the process I was given the greatest gift, happiness.  A year ago, I could not have answered this question this way.  

    I will admit,  if I was asked that question of where will you be in 10 years, many years ago....  I couldn't have predicted a single thing that is my life today.  There are many things that I don't have in my life today, that I thought I would.  I thought I would have been married and with a family already, but I'm not.  I am not even close.  I use to be negative about this, but now I know why things have happened this way.  

    I had to go through the relationships that I have to experience all the highs and lows of human nature to more prepare me for the perfect relationship.  And in the process I have truly learned who I am, and this is a priceless gift that most people never figure out.  With knowing more about myself now, I know I am ready more than ever to meet that right person, and I no longer have issues that could taint things.  

    I love this journey, and approach each day with a great additude which makes my life and world all the more sweeter.

    Thanks for reading!

  14. Neither "happy" or "sad" just living in the moment: day by day: one day at a time.  When happiness comes: embrace it.  When sadness comes: embrace that too.  Since one cannot exist without the other.

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