
Are you happy with your GCSE results?

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  1. Very, very, very, very happy with mine!!

    I did SO much better than I thought I would. Seems I'm not such a dumbo after all.

    Are you happy with yours if you got them today?

  2. Well, I got 2 O Levels.

    But that was 45 years ago.

    Even then it was considered awful - but personal drive meant I was able to achieve much more over the years and I retired having achieved success in business.

    It is YOU that is important and results are left at the entrance when entering the world of work.

  3. i did my gcses 2 years ago, and to be honest they dont mean much. unless you have a degree qualifications are nothing, people want experience not quals, for example if you left school at 16 and had 5 years experience in a business job you would do much better than someone who has a business degree and no experience at all.

  4. i got,

    a - art

    a - textiles

    a - RE

    b - maths

    b - english lit

    b - english lang.

    b - child care  

    b- science

    c - french.

    im pleased. i reeeeallly didnt think i would do that well.

    but i did really want an a*  

  5. heya! i aint doin gcse's but i hope you did well!:)

  6. No i'm not

  7. I got

    B-Religious Studies


    C-English Lit ( actually thought id at least get a B) but ohh well



    C,B-Science (3 marks from a B nooo lol)

    A -Food Tech

    A,B- Business Studies

    Overall im really Happy and Praising God!!!!!

    Well done to everyone xx

  8. As a employer I can honestly say that the results are now almost meaningless as almost everyone gets As these days. It's PC to make the thicko's look smart.

  9. Yes and no. I'm happy with the ones I have but disappointed that I didn't take more.

    But it doesn't really matter anymore as I took mine years ago and I'm about to start the 3rd year of my degree.

  10. yes

    but i was 2 marks off an A which was a bit annoying and 5 marks off a B in graphics:@

  11. Absolutely chuffed to bits. 2 A*s, 5 As and 4 Bs.

    B in German. So happy, as I've only done it three years. :)

    Disappointed I missed out on an A* in Media, but still. It's an A! And two A*s in English, I couldn't ask for more.

  12. eh

  13. YES!!!!!!

    OMG couldn't be happier!!!!!!

    All my revising payed off! It was what i wanted and more!!!!!


  14. Got mainly As and in the top 20 in my year. But I'm still disappointed. Especially English. Pleased with Media (A*) and maths though (A).

  15. Im VERY happy i did 11 gcse's and got a* on 10 of them and a b+ on the other the b+ was for religious so im not bothered !!

  16. Yes!!! 5A*s 3As 3Bs!

  17. no im not, but then again that was over 5 years ago

  18. very very happy ...seeing i was very hopeless that I would even get a C:D i got:

    English B

    English Lit A

    Maths B

    Science C

    Science (additional) B

    Business Studies A

    Media AAAA

  19. I am delighted. Thankyou for your conern.

    answer my question too please !

  20. i got 3 A's and 8 B's which i am quite happy with. did want a few more A's though but anyways one of those A's was maths and my teacher said that i was half a percent off an A* so hes gonna get it remarked and hopefully i'll have an A*

  21. english- A

    english lit - A

    History -A

    Food- A


    Business studies - B

    Maths- B

    Child Develeopment -B

    Science - C

    i'm quite happy could of done better in some subjects  

  22. rely happy with mine. they're not the best in the world but im soooooooo happy i beat my brother in maths & got a A*. i passed them all,, 1 A*, 1 A, 4 B, 4 C. ^^

    i was more upset that my school's 6th form didnt do the subjects i wanted

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