
Are you happy with your life as it is now?

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Are you happy with your life as it is now?




  1. If God is happy with my life.... when we are happy with my life.

    Answer:  Yes, We are happy with my life as it is now.

  2. Got used to it..yes very well happier and peaceful..

    No dramas, no thrills ..yeah feels r.i.p. .hehehe^^

    'Want some tea and apple pie? I couldn't just have it before when I was in IM..^^

  3. I've stopped seeking happiness consciously...and have found peace in return!!!

  4. You are confusing survey with philosophy.

  5. Yes. Life is a work in progress. And although I occasionally suffer from feelings of self-doubt and mild depressions, (as I imagine many people do) mostly I understand that I am lucky to be alive and I am mindful of living in the moment. What could be better than being alive today?!

    As far as how my life project is going, I recently grew "a set" and decided to quit my dead-end, soul-sucking crappy job. In its place I'm going to independently study art full time. I saved up a bunch of money so that I can live with the reduction in income until I find a way to make money doing art. I'm taking a huge risk, but setting out on my own path has been extraordinarily rewarding.

  6. no, I would do anything for a time machine

  7. yes and no...there are times when I just feel like I want to live somebody else's life. And others where I wouldn't have it any other way. So I guess it depends on how bad the day went.  

  8. At this exact moment I have to say yes!  

  9. Yes. Of course there are things I am working on, but I am very grateful and content with my life. It could be a h**l of a lot worse.

  10. ...content and very happy, thanks for asking...

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