
Are you happy with your name?

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or if you could would you change it.




  1. I don't really care. Don't like or dislike mine

  2. I'm really happy with my name. (Corina) and i'm glad to be named that! and you should be happy with you're name. it's wrong to change it.

  3. why??? are you thinking of changing your name? I'm quite happy with mine,,and i have never wanted to change.

  4. mines megan and its the only name that suits me

  5. My actual name is sebastian which i dont like but i would never change it. Plus everyone calls me seb so it is all good.

  6. Hi! I am an Italian girl, my name's Veronica. Do you like it?  

  7. Well, my name is Jessica and I'm satisfied with it. But my parents told me that at first they were going to call me Desiré, which to me is a more exotic name. can't have everything in life.:P But even though I like Desiré more, I still think it doesn't suit me. Jessica is more "me".

    It's probably just a matter of getting used to it.

  8. I'm happy with my name, Becky (Rebecca is the long, official version). I've gotten used to how it suits me, or how I've come to suit the name over time.

    Of course, I thought about changing it when I was a kid, but who doesn't? At this point, all the names I love just for the sound, meaning, or reference in them I'm saving for my kids.

    A name will really sink in to become one's identity. I think those who are truly unhappy with their name might have some other lingering issue with who they are or are unhappy with some fundamental element about where they come from. (if that makes any sense...?)

  9. i think the only people that would want to change their names are celebrities children who get called stupid things like apple

  10. mine is beth....seems rather boring but i guess that is why i have a million nicknames from people like bethers, bethany, bethesda, lizzy

  11. I kinda like my name. I'd rather be named Molli.

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