
Are you having problems with some of your questions not showing at all?

by  |  earlier

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This was posted 10 hours ago it was relevant to the previous questions at the time.;_ylt=As2S7LCAdIx_uh1vYr5S.L0gBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080821045353AAQNGS9




  1. Sometimes.... and we can see yours.

  2. No, ah! now that could be that I haven't posted any today, I am having a serious bout of thickness today.

  3. yeah

    Yapoo hate me

  4. Yes. Yesturday I asked an inane question about Diagnosis Murder vs. Murder Sje Wrote and it was finally posted 17 minutes AFTER i submitted it. Still took my 5 points, though, didn't they!

  5. Maybe you should ask a straight question and not pussyfoot about!


    Ooooops to answer your Q. no, but keeping it on the board is!

  6. yes, it seems to me that Yahoo are having alot of problems lately, and I for one am getting tired of it. My questions have not all be showing either.

  7. it happens sometimes.

  8. Yea! I end up re-posting my questions! It's really annoying actually.  

  9. Yeah and thank God you are too. I was thinking it was the curse of the TC badge.  

  10. yes, yes, yes, yes, i am getting really fed up with it

  11. Maybe the sensor felt the need to reject your question.

  12. Occasionally I have to repost questions 3-5 times!!!

  13. I had that problem in the past made me feel sad that no one answered my questions :(

  14. Thankfully I'm not.

  15. Yes 3 yesterday lost 15 points and had the heads up email today.

  16. Not yet, my time will come though...

  17. Yes, I tried to post a question over 10 minutes ago and it still hasn't appeared so I've tried again.

  18. It really gets on my nervous when this happens, I'd love ot know why, It loses you 5 points each time as well :-(

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