
Are you having to make major or minor adjustments in your everyday spending due to the price of gas? And is?

by  |  earlier

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this slight decrease on gas prices over the past day or so really going to make that much of a difference to you on your spending (not just on gas but on everything)?




  1. Nope.    Call me when its $10/gallon. Otherwise, its peanuts.

  2. It won't make much of a difference but it still makes me feel better when I see the numbers.

  3. The increase in gas prices hasn't really effected me yet. I've noticed I've been spending more on gas, but it's not a major issue for me yet, and I'm not rich, I just don't waste my money on useless c**p from Wal Mart like so many other people do.

    When gas goes over $7, that's when I'll be cutting back on how much I spend. In some European countries they pay over $10 a gallon for gas, so for now, I consider us lucky.

  4. Yes $5.00 will only by 1 loaf of bread and 1 2quarts container of juice and 1 can of cat food plus tax....A container of milk that is now the price of gas per gallon bought 7/25,marked;expiration date 7/28 spoils on 7/26..I suspect from using recyclable containers..Rent,Utilities,Transportatio... bills about to cause another recession especailly in places that waste all the above resources for luxury sake..Btw I don't drive......Blessings Yahoo

  5. gas prices havent really effected me but the baby on the way has,  the truth is i dont think much about gas prices bc we have to go where we have to go

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