
Are you heartbroken?

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If you're heartbroken, for whatever reason, please write it all down here.

Me and my boyfriend of a year and a half broke up a really bad relationship two months ago. I want to get back together, because I believe after all we've been through we could make it perfect, like we always wanted. Now he's dating some other girl who is obsessed with him. He's choosing her over me, and I feel helpless and lonely. I loved him. He never loved me because of absolutely ridiculous reasons. I'm so confused on what to do, and I want to hear your stories.




  1. That sucks, sorry to hear that. Find someone new.

  2. A little. Maybe more lovesick than heartbroken. I like a girl but she'll never feel the same way because she's straight.

  3. Yea Alot Help Plz;...

  4. Why would you want to get back into a 'really bad relationship' You're sounding a little stalkerish. Say goodbye to the garbage and move on.

  5. sounds like u should move on. but that's easier said than done. i my ex and i were together for a year and then he just started ignoring me and pretending that i wasn't there. i thought that we really had something spacial, but i guess not. so i broke up with him and a month later he started seeing this new girl he didn't even know that he meat on-line! i was mad and crushed and confused, but i got over it.

  6. find someone new, u don't want to be the psycho ex do u? let him be happy with his new girl, if he doesn't have the time to think about you, don't think about him, there a plenty of fish in the sea.

  7. I am completely heartbroken.  I was with this girl for eight years, I shared my life with her.  Though it seems she did not share her life with me.  We had a son.  It turns out I am not the father and the father raped her, though she could never tell me about it (too embarassed).  She tried to sabatoge the relationship that day forth and never gave me a chance again no matter how hard I tried  I raised him if he was my own.  Now we are broken up and the family that I based my life upon isn't there.  It never really was to begin with.  I will always have love in my heart for them and know that I am better person from it, but to have the family you thought you had ripped from you in a course of a couple of months is heartbreaking.

  8. he doesn't want you obviously because he is with someone else. move on I know it is hard. I know where you are coming from but if he wanted to be with you he would.
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