
Are you hiding your money under the mattress now that indymac has been taken over by the feds?

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I just read something on yahoo that says 150 banks to close next year. I was just wondering if this type of stuff gets you all anxious and paranoid or not?




  1. Take a look at what happened over here with Northern Rock.Doesn't matter as long as its the private saver who gets hood winked and foots the bill.

  2. It's scary to think about the government bailing out all of these companies. Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This country is already in trillions of dollars of debt. How can we keep bailing out these companies?

  3. No.  I stash it in Paypal.

  4. Not at all. I had to move from the stock market to the bond market until we find out if a socialist is going to be elected president. Only the huge new spending programs and large tax increases promised by Obama will actually bring on a severe down turn.

    Yahoo is part of the anti America mass media. What they spew is just negative propaganda. Not a bit of actual truth.

  5. No, but I have been buying silver.

  6. even if you did, each dollar is only worth 75 cents!

  7. Everybody keeps their stash under the mattress. Don't do that! Keep it somewhere they would least suspect. Your spare tyre. If there is more than that then your local mafia bagman is good.

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