
Are you homeschooled if so how do you like it?

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Are you homeschooled if so how do you like it?




  1. I get cyber schooled and I love it .

  2. I like some things but personally I'd like to see people more often.

  3. im homeschooled and i love it! ive been homeschooled since 10th grade. i dont have to get up early in the morning. or worry about what im goin to wear to school. the best thing is i dont have to be worried about standing up in front of the class and saying a speech! i hated that.. i can go on vacations whenever and to where ever. its great!

  4. I am home schooled and i love it! I have tons of friends and I am so not nerdy. I do school whenever I want and right now I am ahead. I will start my sophomore year next month. I love it so much!!!!! It rocks!!!!! GO HOME SCHOOLERS!!!!!!!!! = )

  5. Homeschooled? Yes.

    Like it? No.

  6. I love it! There are many reasons why. And it's not just because I can do school work in my jammies. I get to do several things I couldn't do if I went to my local public school. I'm in an orchestra for home schoolers and if I hadn't started home schooling I would have never been able to take riding lessons. And we have better social skills than you would think.

  7. Homeschooled and loving it

  8. My son is homeschooled, and according to him, he wouldn't have it any other way.  He loves it!

  9. Well, I am not homeschooled any more because I graduated (homeschool) high school last year, but I loved being homeschooled.  My mom homeschooled me from K-12 grade!  We were in a homeschool group so I could meet other kids, and we were involved with a church.  When I started high school, I started taking science taught by other homeschool moms.  In 12th grade I took dual high school-college credit classes at a local college, earned 16 college credits in Writing comp I, Spanish I, pre-cal, and Calculus I, and received a full tuition academic scholarship.  Being homeschooled was great because I was able to have a better relationship with my mom and siblings.  I was not exposed to drugs or alcohol which I find a plus, and I am planning on homeschooling my kids when I get married (someday).

  10. Things I like

    -not having to wake up & do my hair/makeup

    -no homework!

    -i dont spend 6 hrs in class

    -I only do like an hour a day

    -I work at my own pace

    -I get to spend time with my boyfriend since

    were both homeschooled.

    -I dont have a bed time, since I dont have school

    -my parents know what Im up to, so they trust me


    -I can lay in pajamas all day

    -I can eat WHENEVER i want.

    -No nasty school lunches

    -the works easy

    -Its helpful for my ADD (attention defecit disorder)

    - I get a 1 on 1 teacher. JUST FOR ME.

    Things I dont like

    -I miss the freedom of being at school, with my friends


    -Being in tennis/athletic programs

    -All those boys! =)

    -wearing cute clothes,

    -knowing whats "in" with teenagers

    -mostly my friends

    Yeah I was in public school from K-8th

    and then this year I went back to public,

    and got pulled out again 4 being a stupid

    girl =( and doing stupid things

  11. i am and i can't say that i absolutely love it but its good most people think that homeschoolers anre unsocialized and nerdy but thats not the truth i have at least as many if not more friends than my friends that go to public shcool i hang out with people that aren't in my grade and people that are me and my friends do normal stuff we go to the mall and see movies and sometimes being homeschooled lets you have alot more freedom like last month i went to my friends birthday party during school hours and i went to see the midnight showing of a movie on a school night  also i have done sports and i play an instrument and am involved in alot of extracurricilar activities i even do a P.E. class for homeschoolers and now that im in high school im in two co-ops so my mo isn't even really the one teaching me anymore although she does help me    so yes i do like homeschooling and im some cases it can be alot better than going to school

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