
Are you homophobic?

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If so, why?




  1. No, I have some friends and relative who are g*y. I understand it as a perfectly reasonable biological adaptation to overpopulation.

  2. No, I don't fear homosexuals or fear becoming one.  I'm just not into that lifestyle.

  3. No I'm not. Usually the only people who are homophobic are the guys who are secretly homosexual themselves. You know, like those guys who always make a point of saying how much they HATE g**s. Actually therapists now know that those people are actually homosexual themselves, and they hide it by hating g**s so they don't have to face what they are. Homophobes...are Homosexual--all of them--without exception.

  4. nope.

  5. I bet a lot of people are and just won't admit it.

  6. absolutely not... my brother's g*y and I love going to the g*y bars with him and all his friends... I have more fun there then I do at the dance clubs because everybody's real there.

  7. A biological adaptation to overpopulation?!?  Where the h-e-double hockey sticks did you come up with that one?!?  If that were even remotely accurate, India, China, and Japan would be overrun with homosexuals.

    Anyhow, I am not homophobic.  I don't think many people are.  It's another one of those social anomalies that has been blown out of proportion.  I will say this, however, that I think many homosexual people go too far in advertising their sexual orientation.  It's one thing to be proud of who you are, and another to flaunt it.  The openness of some homosexual people is no better than the overly sexual behavior of heterosexuals.

  8. Not at all.

    However I have seen incidents' where if one does not agree with the life or opinions of a homosexual they are tagged homophobic. Which is a crock. I like firearms and believe in fighting to stay alive but do not push it off on anyone or tag them as cowards because they disagree with me.

    No special treatment for none of them.

  9. no
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