
Are you impressed by Joe Lieberman's speech tonight at the RNC?

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Are you impressed by Joe Lieberman's speech tonight at the RNC?




  1. I'm looking at it right now.

    I'm so far, not impressed. I feel like I'm in living in 1972, very old and predictable.

  2. I'm so impressed with the simplicity of his words...

  3. If McCain had picked him as his VP, can you imagine what it would have been like to have to listen to the two of them speak on the same stage.  They would have to pay people to sit through their speeches.

  4. No. He should stop posing as an independent Democrat and just join the RNC already.

  5. bored to death more like it

    Fred Thompson

    Joe Leiberman

    I think Death is the last speaker

    or his cousin Father Time

  6. He just wants to send billions to Israel.

    He doesn't care about US.

  7. I like Joe.  His speech is better than Fred's was.  I am not  much on "Rah rah" speeches and that is what conventions are about   Neither have a flag pin though.  I guess only Obama is required to wear a flag pin.

    Independent  by choice.

  8. Maybe if he made sense. Hope he doesn't spend all of that Cindy McCain cash in one place. What a stooge...

  9. The speech was more than misleading about Obama.  He outright lied several times in order to make the case for McCain.  Honestly, now that Democrats are going to have a bigger margin in the Senate, it's time to strip Lieberman of his committee assignments.  This support for the Iraq war has gotten out of hand.  It is so obviously not part of a "war on terrorism" at all.  I have no doubt there probably ARE terrorists there, but they are also here.  The Republicans (and Lieberman) who think we're going to kill all the terrorists there to keep them from coming here are insane.  Think about that logically, please.  There is no terrorist race, there is no terrorist limit... It's a combination of having fundamentalist beliefs and perceived injustice in the world.. and responding to that in a violent manner. *This is exactly why we should be also concerned with Christian extremists in the United States*  (Don't say we don't have them.  I mean, abortion clinics have been bombed, the Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, people have been murdered...)  So, this really isn't about terrorism at all, either.  The Iraqi people do not desire an American presence, contrary to conservative media reports.  In fact, the Prime Minister just suggested Obama's timetable is "about right."  There is no reason to keep losing our people in this war.  

    So, frankly Joe Lieberman selling out his party to demonstrate his support for the war just shows his clouded judgment.  He wants this war for other reasons, and that's sick.  We are a country, and if we don't want to be involved over there... and if they don't want us to be involved over there... WHY are we watching our people die for it?  Because of people excited by some kind of potential "victory" from war like McCain?  Because of a few leaders who want it for religious reasons?  Isn't that terrorism?

  10. Wise man... As people say, young people who are liberals, need to grow up. For grown-up who are liberals, they are not smart, or living in the fantasy...

  11. i dont know, i havent watched even a minute of it.. im to busy watching 'paint dry'..

  12. No way Jose

  13. Not bad at all, kudos to him for calling out all democrats to listen to him.

  14. He still calls himself a Democrat yet this last election he had to run as an independent.  Do you remember that the dems abandon him for one reason and one reason only!!! That was because he still supported the troops, supported the surge, and believed we could win in Iraq.  Think about it, one (1) issue, one difference with the democratic party and they lambast and disown you!!  

    Guess what.  The people of Conneticut chose him despite the Dems attack machine.  Do you really want to be associated with that machine.

  15. he actually isnt doing badly...

  16. Yes, as well as Fred Thompson. Lieberman left the DEMS because he was smart enough to see the Party was headed SOUTH big time. Smart man.  

  17. Is he speaking? I thought he was asking "where's the bar? I need another cocktail."

  18. Haha, no, not really. I got tired of watching and had to change the channel. Peace!

  19. everytime he speaks I think of the "dad" from Alf. He sounds just like him. I dont take him seriously at all.  

  20. It's sad, very very sad.

  21. Yes, very much so.  I like Joe!

  22. It got too boring so I changed the channel

  23. No he sucks

    Sorry those Repubs can't hold a candle to the Dems.  Hillary's speech ROCKED!

  24. It was the most generic, mundane speech I have ever heard. Or at least the part that I heard, I fell asleep half way into it.  

  25. He's speaking the truth ! Democrats for McCain

  26. "My friends" - McCain

    "We don't need liberals or conservatives. We need Americans." - Obama

    His entire speech was taken from other people. It's nothing great.

  27. No. It's awful. It's boring and it really doesn't say anything.

    Time to switch the channel.

  28. He's been a lot better than Fred - but he's still a turn-coat putz.

  29. Very impressed. He is a great American and loves our country. Few in Washington can claim that.

  30. Not at all.

    He's a sell out.

    I don't understand is sickening relatioship with McCain at all.

  31. No.  THompson should have given him some tips.

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