
Are you impressed by a million notes per second or simple songs that are really catchy?

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I think that most simple songs are much better.




  1. I greatly appreciate the talent and the inspiration it takes to write a complex musical composition,and the technical proficiency it takes to play it.That doesn't mean that I can't either enjoy or appreciate as well much simpler melodies that move me,nor does it mean that I like pretentious 45-minute solos,when they're not inspired but simply written so the artist can show off.

    But I could never turn my back to good art,perhaps more difficult to get than pop sometimes,simply because there are pretentious people out there.

  2. Simple and catchy, every time.

    So many talented musicians succumb to the soulless million notes a second thing. It's kind of sad.

  3. I'm impressed by an amazing song with great melody, solos and force. The speed is not important if you don't have the emotion and melody linked to it.

    EDIT: Oh! And Smells Like Teen Spirit is such a simple song. Yet, it has become one of the most legendary songs in history...

  4. I like all kinds of songs.

    Simple and fast beat.

    My favorite is Vital Signs.


  5. Some Techno songs with overload are ok..

    But the in flames sortof stuff with  too much in it is just noise!

    Simple songs!

  6. Simple, but complex. Speed is great, if it's used right (Muse, Van Halen, Joe Satriani), but it has to be good before speed.

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