
Are you impressed with A-JAD of Iran,s speaking ability & do you understand that Iran is a peacefull nation?

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Just the facts please & save the hate for the DNC convention!!!!




  1. Not really but Iran has played its cards pretty well. A-jad was lucky that Bush became the US president since he removed Saddam & the Taliban- even though the Taliban are not really gone. lol

    Anyways the neocons have manged to anger Russia who supplies the Europeans with energy and is helping Tehran to build its nuclear facilities. What else can they wish for? They are flying high at this moment;-p

  2. No, I am not convinced, but let me ask you a quick question, a question that puts everything into perspective so you can understand many a persons point of view regarding this issue.

    If someone told you that wolverines make excellent lap pets, would you run out and buy one?

    I rest my case!

  3. Yes.


    Get your facts right here :

    Posted link : Why the US see Iran as a threat.


    Edit : I admire your honesty, knowledge, open mindedness and your braveness.

    I wish I could say that about the rest my fellow Americans answering here.

    It makes me sad. Truly sad.

    Edit : aural marginalized : Sir : They are not full of hate and they are very educated people.

    I am a Jew, a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and more.

    Mahatma Gandhi.

    Good day Sir.

    Edit: For those of you wondering who "Proust" was as Mr. Marginal mentioned it:

    Proust = Albert Einstein.

    Edit :

    mckenziecalhoun; Sir : You are a gentleman and a scholar.

    My Best Regards.

    Edit: aural marginalized : ( Proust Idea about pres. MAN ):

    lol : You have a point there, why not a Thumb Up for you.

    Best Regards.

  4. Iran is a peaceful nation? After their president has said that Israel has o right to exist and should be wiped off the map? I believe you have some thinking wrong somewhere.

  5. No, I'm not real impressed with Ahmedijad.  

    I try to give the benefit of the doubt, and it is of course illogical and inexpedient to blame all Iranian people for the rhetoric of their head of state.  Besides, I know that there are large numbers of people living in Iran who are not even accorded full citizenship status.  Why would I blame them, when they are targets of intolerance in their own country.  However, those Iranians who ARE  impressed with the content of A-Jad's rhetoric greatly contribute to any notions that Iran is only a nation of "peace" in the way that A-Jad and his enthusiasts would define "peace."

    PS:  Iceman:  I wonder how Ahmedijad and his apologists perceive Proust (your avatar)?  Proust was Jewish, you know.

    A sensitive, introspective man like Proust would probably not only be unimpressed with Ahmedijad's speaking ability, but with the latter's taste in vocabulary, areas of interest, and wardrobe.

  6. No and no. Only Obama would talk to terrorist believing that he could change a suidical maniacs mind.

  7. MiniJab did not look all that peaceful when he was kidnapping the US citizens from the Embassy. Somehow jabbing people with bayonets seems a bit Anti Peace

    But that said I lived and worked in Los Irangeles for years. I have know and worked with dozens of Persians, and every single Persian was friendly hospitable and a pleasure to work with. Just like Persian Kitty Gloria.

  8. I originally put up some quotes that were VERY one sided and negative, and I still disagree strongly with them, but after an email from another poster, I have to correct my post to retain my ethics, and he has my thanks for that.

    Correction: Read the rest of his quotes, the man is a pretty good speaker.  Two, the worst I can find in terms of torture was the following, on Wikipedia: "The most terrifying night for the hostages came on February 5, 1980, when guards in black ski masks rousted the 53 hostages from their sleep and led them blindfolded to other rooms. They were searched after being ordered to strip to their underwear and keep their hands up. The mock execution ended after the guards ****** their weapons and readied them to fire but then ejected their rounds and told the prisoners to pull up their pants. The hostages were later told the exercise was "just a joke" and something the guards "had wanted to do." [32]"

    We would be hard pressed to define that as torture in our morally ambiguous efforts to root out terrorism.

    WE may very much disagree with Islam's goals in many ways, and with Iran's goals in particular right now, but I understand why they have their own goals and why they see our insistence as not in their national interests.

    Sometimes countries may both be right, and still have to disagree and even fight.

    I pray that doesn't happen.  So many good people in both countries.

    I also seem to remember the first officials to condemn 9.11 were from Iran.  If only the rest of Islam had done the same. One day, when freedom is embraced by all of Islam, it will be.

    Original Post, please read the above retraction:

    Original post:

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Quotes:

    “Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury,”

    “Iran is ready to transfer nuclear know-how to the

    Islamic countries due to their need.”

    “As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,”

    “The fighting in Palestine is a war between the (whole) Islamic nation and the world of arrogance, ... Today, Palestinians are representing the Islamic nation against arrogance.”

    HOWEVER, I read the rest of his quotes and I am impressed with his speaking skills.

    A peaceful nation?  No.  We still remember the violence, the torture, the public demonstrations in Iran.  We will never forget it, either during the Embassy Crisis, or during 9/11.

    No hate, just facts.  They're people just like us, save they don't have the same freedoms, so don't know better.

  9. If you really think that Iran is a peaceful nation, then you are as delusional as Obama.

  10. Actually for a while there, despite not agreeing with him, I did consider him a pretty good speaker.

    And then he said he had no g*y people in Iran, and I knew he was a complete idiot then.

  11. Move to Iran if you like MyMood IminaJihad.

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