
Are you impressed with Palin and her pre written speech did she delivered it like a battle hardened NEOCON?

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MI question who do we give credit for on that rough & tough neo con speech WHO WROTE IT?




  1. Palin's speech was the beginning of the end for Obama's campaign.  It was much better than Obama's pre-written speech he gave. Yes I am very impressed.

  2. simplistic, and superficial. the American Idol nature of US politics these days drives the concept that issues ( Real Issues not wedge issues) are not part of the discourse and that Americans in general are so easily distracted simple minded that a bit of rhetoric and play on words is all that is needed to succeedthe parties are Corrupt machines that care little for the care of the nation but only of the power

    However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

    GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

    The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force.

    Adolf Hitler

  3. the diatribe you mean? she didn't talk about herself. all she said was obama sucks...obama sucks.obama sucks...obama sucks.obama sucks...obama sucks.obama sucks...obama sucks.

  4. I am not impressed. McCain has gone out and gotten himself a very attractive puppet.  He hopes to distract everyone from the real issues while continuing the failed policies of Bush.

    Here is a list of the accomplishments of the Bush administration.

    * Misleading us about Iraq's WMD

    * Implying a connection between Saddam and 9/11

    * Launching a war that's killed 4, 150 Americans and wounded more than 30, 000

    * Challenging Iraqi insurgents to attack U.S. troops: "Bring 'em on"

    * Granting no-bid contracts to Halliburton in Iraq

    * Failing to respond to Hurricane Katrina

    * Hiring unqualified crony to run FEMA

    * Praising crony's performance: "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job"

    * Neglecting reconstruction of New Orleans' homes and levees Promising American troops would be greeted as liberators

    * Declaring "Mission Accomplished" and later blaming the banner on troops

    * Cherry-picking facts about WMDs in Iraq, then blaming the CIA

    * Promising the Iraq war would lower gas prices

    * Claiming the Iraqi insurgency was in its "last throes" in 2005

    * Allowing Osama Bin Laden to escape

    * Launching a war that's killed countless Iraqi civilians

    * Using Terri Schiavo for political gain

    * Attempting to alter Constitution to allow discrimination against g*y people

    * Wiretapping our phones without court order

    * Stealing the 2000 election (remember Katherine Harris, voter purges, and the Supreme Court?)

    * Concealing the pre-9/11 Presidential Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

    * Enforcing abstinence-only programs in public schools

    * Rejecting the Kyoto Treaty to stop climate change

    * Giving tax cuts to the rich while spending record amounts

    * Failing seniors with the costly Medicare prescription drug benefit

    * Swiftboating John Kerry

    * Outing CIA agent Valerie Plame to retaliate for truth about Iraq's WMDs

    * Telling the 45 million uninsured Americans to just go to the emergency room

    * Spending $341 million a day in Iraq (Iraq has a budget surplus)

    * Neglecting wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center

    * Allowing Afghanistan to fall into chaos, with the Taliban and al Qaeda regaining control

    * Holding prisoners without trial at Guantanamo Bay

    * Covering up torture at Abu Ghraib

    * Breaking the Geneva Conventions

    * Forcing the Patriot Act into law

    * Turning a budget surplus into massive budget deficit

    * Letting more than a million homes go into foreclosure—the highest rate ever recorded

    * Setting the record for most days on vacation by any president in U.S. history

    * Increasing nuclear threat by withdrawing from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia

    * Holding secret meetings with Exxon Mobil, Conoco, Shell, and BP to set energy policy

    * Letting gas prices double while resisting fuel efficiency and clean energy

  5. Nobody in politics writes their own speeches!  Not even Obama!

    But she delivered it like the strong, brave, bright, fearless, CONSERVATIVE woman that she is!

  6. Yes its far better than the plagiarism the other party has to offer.

    And your source is.. The daily KOS?

  7. Do you think Obama writes his own speeches? We know Biden doesn't because he was exposed for plagiarism just prior to his getting out of the Race last year.

  8. Yes I was. Very impressed. I guess by your question , you where too.  

  9. Awwww...what's wrong Palin borrowed a page from Obama's playbook and now you're upset?  All the speeches are pre-written including your savior's speeches.  Why is it o.k. in your tiny liberal mind for Obama to give speeches, written by others, pandering to a specific audience but it's "no fair" when a republican does the same thing?  Is that why your panties are all in a knot...because she gave a better speech than Obama?  Just wait till she tears Biden a new one at the V.P. debates...for that matter wait till McCain destroys Obama at the Presidential debates.

  10. Neither Palin nor her speech were "neocon."

    I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't actually know what neocon means. Am I right?

    Sarah Palin is much closer to a classical conservative than a neocon.

  11. In case no one told you, Barak has a large team of speech writers as well.  Please stop attacking the candidates (no matter who) for silly reasons.

  12. Don't be sexist!

    You know, 'cause when a woman in politics gives a crappy speech and you insult it, you're clearly sexist. Right?  

  13. The speech writer was Mathew Scully.

  14. Puleeeeze....Sarah "the puppet" Palin has never had a good original idea. Any ideas she had that were original have gotten her into mega trouble,  She was told what to say, like a good little fascist, said it and there was nothing new. Period.  

  15. Ahem, if you had any knowledge about government and politics, you would realize that all presidential candidates have speech makers. This is nothing new. Try again.

  16. How naive are you?

    Michelle Obama's speech was straight out of the movies. That was probably done by a screenwriter and focus-grouped.

    All of Obama's speeches are written by teams of speechwriters, even his stump speech on the campaign trail.

    The stump speech is standard with fill in the blanks for [name of town] something about the [weather], a little about [site of the event], and possibly [something about the news of the day.]

    Of you've ever worked on a campaign, after a few days, you can recite it along with the candidate, complete with the hand motions.

    Obama's speech writers slaved over every word and then he practiced it - in a suit and tie - in a hotel suite so they could rewrite the parts that didn't work for his style.

    they worked on that for weeks, if not months.

    Geez, did you just fall off the turnip truck.

    Palin's was incredible since they only had a couple of days.

    Even members of Congress and Senators have speech writers on staff.  Lots of business execs too.  

  17. Yes I am.  Only fools believe that most other politicians actually write their speeches all by themselves.  

  18. I don't know, but I have a feeling it wasn't Barack's speech writer because her speech was FABULOUS...

    **ps-please spell check...

  19. Were you impressed with NObama's pre-written speech? All candidates have speech writers and judging by NObama's performance, without his speech writers and teleprompter, he stutters and stammers.

  20. I think Steve "Cold Stone" Austin would have done a better job for cheaper.

  21. Neo Con?  Have you been eating paint chips?

    I was very impressed, it was a great speech.  Were you impressed by Bidens weak pre written speech?

    EVERYBODY HAS A "Pre-written" Speech you boob.  I think it would be a bad idea to show up without any speech at all don't you?  Did you want her to "wing it"?

    "Sorry for not having a speech written before now folks, don't worry, I'll make it up as I go!!!!!"

  22. Do you also wonder who writes all of Obama's speeches?  

  23. all speeches are pre written you idiot........

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