
Are you impressed with how well the nascar COT holds up in crashes?Why? Why not?

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  1. My gosh, YES..after what happened at the Glen yesterday and everyone walked away with the exception of Bobby, who was taken to local hospital then released..the safety of these cars proven again.after one of the worst incidents yet!

  2. Yep, they should change the name of the car from COT to TIMEX.......takes a l*****g and keeps on ticking.................Usually!!

  3. Yes I am impressed and I bet Sam Hornish is too !

  4. I sure am, especially after M. McDowell's crash (when he flipped 8 times in qualif)  and yesterdays crash.

  5. Oh yeah!! Especially in the way Sam Hornish Jr's car held up and was even able to continue!!

  6. Very impressed, I think Michael McDowell was waiting for this car to come around before joining the series, it stands up to all the punishment he puts it through.

  7. Yes i am impressed. Safety has always got to be the number one priority when designing these new cars.

  8. Yeah, that thing is a tank! I think they need to lower the center of gravity so it'll handle better.It does hold up well in crashes though.

  9. That's definitely a good thing that the cars are so much safer. It also has it's bad points. It seems like with the extra safety that some drivers are taking more chances and driving foolishly.

  10. Yes, I'm very impressed, especially after the crash at the Glen, with Labonte not being seriously injured and Hornish Jr's car and was able to continue, and even back in Texas with that Mcdowell crash, yep this car is dang safe which is great.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. Heck yeah! If it weren't for the COT, the HANS device, the "halo" headrests, and that tire wall David smacked, and not to mention those water barrels Hornish destroyed, I doubt most of those drivers would have been alright. People have been wanting NASCAR to pull the COT from competition. Yesterday shows why those people are completely wrong.  

  12. I continue to be more impressed as the year goes by. After the Watkins Glen wreck and the lack of serious injury to anyone of the drivers that car has earned the respect of every NASCAR fan.

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